Hello fellow Internet surfer and welcome to my home page. I'm very
glad that you made it this far ... and I hope that you'll stick around long
enough to get to know just a little bit more about me and my life.
My name is Sharon Cannon, and I am a computer programmer/analyst
by profession. I live in western North Carolina. I am presently employed as
a programmer/analyst with C.A. Short Company.
I program PC's in Microsoft Access and Visual Basic, and I also program the IBM
midrange computers in the ILE RPG, RPG/400, and COBOL/400
programming languages. Prior to becoming a programmer, I taught the fourth,
fifth, and sixth grades in the Burke County Public Schools.
I am a born-again Christian. I am a member of Woodlawn Baptist Church, and I sing
in the choir there.
Click the buttons on the left to learn a little bit more about
me. Browse to your heart's content and most of all, "Have fun!"