The Matthews' Party Photo Album

Saturday, August 21st, 1999

The Cousins, Idea Conceived By Helen Kelleher

For Effie

In Memorial

A Brief Family History

In the beginning, there was a young greek couple, Efstratios and Paniota Matthaios.
The last name, Matthaios, was later "Americanized" to Matthews.

Catherine Pointing to Greece

In 1882, at just 15 years of age, Paniota gave birth to their first child, Nestor, in Varvitsa, Greece (pointed out above by Nestor's daughter-in-law, Catherine Matthews). Nestor, who was named after Paniota's father, left for America in 1900 at the age of 18. He was sponsored in America by his Uncle Vangeli, who lived in Lubbock, Texas, USA. Nestor never returned to Greece.

As Nestor earned enough money, he arranged for his younger brothers - Demetri (hereafter, "Jim") and George - to also come to America. All three brothers married and ended up in New Jersey. One by one they each opened their own business (restaurants and ice cream parlors) and were very successful. George and his family eventually moved to Springfield, Pennsylvania (pointed out below by George's granddaughter, Leslie Criston). Both Jim and George returned to Varvitsa, Greece for long visits.

Leslie Pointing to Pennsylvania

The youngest brother, Sarantos, married and remained in Varvitsa. The "baby" sister, Vasiliki, married someone within the village and never came to America.

Today, there are many grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren - some of whom assembled in New Jersey on August 21, 1999 to welcome Jim's daugher, Marie Matthews Ladd (shown below), who was visiting from California.

Marie Matthews


Send e-mail to Nestor

Nestor, Great Grandson of Efstratios & Paniota

This photo of Nestor was taken by David Kelleher.

Last updated January 1st, 2002

Visitors Since 11-28-00