Danielle through the years...
Dannie has been immortalized for all time in the Detroit Free Press. On Thursday, April 22, 1999, on page 12A in an article entitled "There's No Safe Haven," in reference to student reactions to the April 20, 1999 killings in Littleton, CO, we find the following . . .
. . . "The question is, what do we do about it?" asked Danielle P., 16 "We all know people who are over the edge or close to the edge. You can't force someone to go to counseling. You can't force them to listen." . . .
She's always wanted to be famous! Well, Dannie, this is your moment in the spotlight!
Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade
Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade Ninth Grade Tenth Grade Eleventh Grade
Twelfth Grade
My beautiful baby is all grown up. She was valedictorian of the class of 2000 at Clarenceville High School, and she is entering CMU with sophomore status, as she graduated high school with 27 college credits. Way to go, kiddo! You did yourself proud! To be #2 in your class is quite an accomplishment. I was such a slacker in school--I was ranked #6.