


Meet Star-Fire, she is now the Web Guardian of WindRider's Enchanted Forest, It is a personal website with a diversity of subjects, from stopping violence of women and children, a tribute to POW/MIA's, including my adopted war hero, tribute to fallen law enforcement officers, personal and favorite poetry, A tribute to friends, A proclamation of Earth, a health page pertaining to certain diseases, The Myth of Pegasus, a tribute to my Mother and my deceased husband, Recognition of Nato Soldiers fighting for world peace, a informative and picture gallery on wolves and various other subjects. It's just my humble way of getting others to stop and think and try to embetter themselves and the world we live in.. Star-Fire is a Guardian of the Fire, Hearth, Life and the Underworld. She knows the darkest secretes of the spirit, she has seen humanity at its best and at its worst. She was born of the flames of life in the world we know little of, she journeys through the earth contacting and balancing life. She is no goddess, but she is just as old. She walks the path of peace and harmony, but also the path of a silent warrior. 1