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There once was a little boy named Nick...

He was a happy little boy and much was written about his early exploits.

Then one day he met a new friend, one he could have for life.

Life was good, complete, and chaotic. Happy. Free...

This is the story of Nick & Nora.. and me.

Nick Archives ~ Various Links ~ About Me ~ Flickr

June 20 , 2006

Geez.. It's been so long since I updated. Let's see... Nick had a birthday in April. He's now 7 years old. That was a mess of a month. We all got sick on his birthday with a terrible stomach flu. Ended up having to postpone his birthday party a week. And then my mom got sick and couldn't come to his party. It just seemed like one thing after another for April.

May was ok enough, just hectic. Nick had his last museum class of the school year. My mom had another birthday. But at least no one got sick. I really hate sick.

So here we are in June and it's already terribly hot. We purchased a smallish above ground pool to float in to relieve us from the heat. Nick has already learned to swim in the brief time we've had it. Nora is beginning to talk, saying more and more words everyday. I'm most relieved for her to communicate with a few words instead of lots of screaming and grunts. And she's great at answer yes/no questions..heh

I'm having a bit of a hard time lately geting my act together. I'm ridding myself of bad habits and vices left and right and it makes me a very dull girl. I will try to focus a bit of my free time back to my site and my photography. Thanks for standing by and hopefully, we're back now.

I have also put up a Flickr site for some of my pictures. Please feel free to stop in and take a look, comment, etc...

April 11, 2006

Second Tuesday of the month.. Museum homeschool class! We got there a bit early today because I informed Nick last time that there was a shrunken head living in an exhibit tucked away upstairs. He was totally into the idea of going to see the shrunken head. Kinda reminded me of Stand By Me....heh

We get to the museum and travel up the escalator and down the hall into the room where Ole Shrunky lives. Nick took one look at it and suddenly found the masks on the walls to be far more interesting.

So it was off to his class (this week it was earthquakes). And I kinda sorta met a lady who had brought her son to the class. She and I seem to have the same sort of humor. Would be nice to find a friend. Other than Ole Shrunky here..

April 7, 2006

I want to hear her talk.
Why is she crying?
What is making her laugh?
What does she dream of?


April 30, 2006

Yay! We have bikes!
We decided it was long overdue for Nick to learn to ride a bike. So we struck out Saturday in search of the perfect bike. Finding the right size was not at all easy. He's too small for a 20" and too big for a 16". So after going into many stores, we finally find the perfect 18" yellow bicycle complete with silver training wheels. And since he can't ride around our area alone, we also got me a bike! Yay! A pretty blue one.. street cruiser with a big ole seat. And since we have to bring Nora along, we also got a trailer. We're all quite a site traveling around. It's true what they say about riding a bike. You don't forget how, but it sure looks like you did.

March 29, 2006

It was a beautiful day today. We wandered out to the sandbox in the backyard to survey how bad it was after the winter. It was pretty bad alright.. Lots of bug, sticks, dirt, and an entire root system for a hopeful yet doomed tree. But we got it mostly cleaned out. And when the spring rain finally stops, we'll get it dried out enough to sift it properly. Item of note, sand that's been wet for a long time is not a pleasant thing to smell.. They got mighty sandy and destroyed a few Great Walls. It's all good.

March 22, 2006

My mother takes Nick to the park near her a lot. Usually when I'm not with them. But we got the opportunity to all go together today. This was Nora's first time to play on the things and she really enjoyed herself. And, as usual, she was fearless. Handled those slides like a pro. I've noticed she's very shy of other people though. The kids would run past and she would just stare at them..heh..

March 8, 2006

This is Nick and his almond tree. It was planted in my mother's front yard right after his birth. Under it, she placed a piece of the umbilical cord that connected the two of us for nine months. As you see, it's gotten much taller than the boy whom it was planted for. And yesterday it bloomed. Beautiful pink blossoms.

One of the things Nick enjoys about going to Grandma's is that she's an avid gardener and he gets to plant things with her and watch them grow. This spring has brought a beautiful array of flowers. Here's some of them now...



March 7, 2006

It finally warmed up enough to take the much anticipated walk around the lake today. It smelled like spring. Nick brought along his Spongebob fishing pole with the handy Plankton practice lure and his buddy the doodle monster. He also picked out his clothes for the day. Nick is sporting a Robin t-shirt with Jimmy Neutron shorts which look smashing with the Spiderman socks and blue Airwalk clogs. Isn't he lovely ladies and gentlemen?

Nora loved running around in the field. But wanted more than anything to climb into the lake. I must have had to pull her off the bank a dozen times or more. She's obviously going to be my little fish. There were tons of seagulls on the community dock today and they had absolutely painted the dock white with poop. It was a real challenge to keep Nora from sampling this delicacy. The best part for her was the wagon ride to and from. And I caught hell getting her into the house when we got home.

I think we're all looking forward to the next walk after the storms pass.



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