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alangela's home page

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page last updated December, 2003

August 2003
We welcome Jeremy to the family! August, 2003.

August 2003
Ok, so Jack wasn't feeling great at the wedding,
but it wasn't quite as bad as he looks here!

Jack's update: (3 years old)

Ian's update: (5 years old)

alangela's Resource Corner:

Come see our book recommendations page. If you buy from Amazon, link to them from here and I get a little commission!
Having trouble getting your toddlers to sleep? We highly recommend the video you can buy at

Ang and Erin
Ang and Alan

Thought for 2004:

It takes so much en energy to be who you are not ... and so little energy to be who you truly are.

Flower BoysThe Siblings

Thought for 2003: In order to grow, one has to be content to be thought of as foolish.
Thought for 2002: If we don't change direction, we just might end up where we are headed!
Thought for 2001: Opportunity dances only with those already on the floor.
Thought for 2000: Life should be measured not by the breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away.
Thought for 1999: Whatever we may think or believe, what we have done is our story.
Thought for 1998: Nothing in life is forever, so it's important to stay flexible.
Thought for 1997: The journey is much more important than the destination. Enjoy the ride.
Thought for 1996: We will do a copied form holiday letter from now on, these handwritten notes are too much work.
Thought for 1995: Things don't happen in threes, they happen in sixes, sevens or eights!


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