Ed Svihla

After graduation, I proceeded directly to U of I in Champaign and spent 5 years getting my electrical engineering degree. I know it's only supposed to take 4 years, but there was so much beer, so little time. During that time I ran into several people including Tony Lake, Joe Anderson, and Dave DeKeyser.

In 1987 I took a job in Springfield, IL at CIPS (utility company). That Fall I met my bride-to-be, even if I did make her wait another 7 years to get married.! A couple years later I took another job in Dallas, TX. My wife (Tracy) and I currently live in Arlington, Texas (between Dallas and Fort Worth), and have been here since December 1989 (let me see........that would be, uh............carry the 2........a little over 11 years).

We got married in Springfield in 1994. We thought we were just moving for a couple of years, but life's funny that way. I'm an electrical engineer for the local utility company, and Tracy is a VP at an investment firm. I just finished my MBA in December 2000, and am looking for another career change. In our spare time we enjoy golf, working out, our dogs, traveling, and pro sports (me only, of course). We really enjoy our free time, and therefore do not have any children (Tracy will say that I still act enough like a child to not want any of my own). Life has been good to us and we count our blessings every day. I still stay in touch with Tony Lake, Scott Hart, and Debbie (Calderone) Coventry. If you want to get in touch with any of them, send my your info and I'll make sure they get it.

Here are some pictures:



Tracy and I on Vacation

p.s. Before any rumors get widespread, I have an alibi for the night of the Trueblood/Vaughn/Dutton incident.
