Pink Panty Pull Downs!

Hmmmmm......DA's? Pink panty pulldowns? No, we are NOT a group of District Attorney's who wear pink panties to court! We are a group of women who LOVE to shop and chat and meet on QVC's "Shoptalk" Bulletin Boards. The DA stands for Deletee's Anonymous.And "Pink Panty Pulldowns" is our favorite alcoholic beverage...NOT our calzoncillos!!

Deletee's Anonymous was started by a fellow poster in Shoptalk when many of us found ourselves constantly being deleted by the Webmaster for speaking of things OTHER than QVC.........and of course we only posted constructive critism of the "Q"! Why we even created special Christmas Tunes in honor of QVC and the Shoptalk's Webmaster! Alas, the powers that be held no sense of humor forcing many a poster to find solace in the Deletee's Anonymous Hall!

Like ALL great 12 Step programs, the DA's have their own 12 Steps which they abide by (at least they tried to abide by these!):

Twelve Steps of Deletee's Anonymous

1) We admitted we were powerless over the BBS--that our threads had become unmanageable.
2) Came to believe that a Webmaster greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3) Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of the Webmaster.
4) Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of our postings.
5) Admitted to Webbie to ourselves and another poster the exact nature of our forbidden posts.
6) Were entirely ready to have Webbie remove all our dishonorable posts.
7) Humbly asked Webbie to remove our shortcomings.
8) Made a list of all posters we offended and became willing to post amends to them all.
9) Made direct posts to such threaders, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10)Continued to take personal inventory of our posts and when we were wrong, promptly denied it (OOPS! I mean admitted it).
11)Sought through Q and Webmaster to improve our posting habits as they would want them, asking only for the knowledge of their will and the power to carry that out.
12)Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these posts, we tried to carry this message to other Deletees and to practice these posting principles in all the threads.

For regular Deletee's these steps proved to be rather extreme and many a DA member found themselves in need of Godiva chocolates (by the truckload!) and a stiff drink from their own personal flasks called the "What-a-Flask"! Some of us have found themselves in the corner with head hung low from out and out defiance of the rules and running amuck posting animated GIF's wherever they could........not caring whether or not the "Thread Police" would step in and suspend their posting names!

Deletee's Anonymous also has their very own Mascot! His name is Chuckie! Aaahhhhh.......but the Chuckster is such a legend in his own right that he has his own link in here! Chuckie the one eyed cat who has led the DA's on a merry chase with all his adventures! Chuckie who speaks only Binkanese and is VERY real! Chuckie, who teases Ma Betty incessantly with his antics on a daily basis!

The DA ladies are some of the best people I know on and off this internet! That's right........many of us have MET in person and many more will meet for the first time in San Francisco at a DA slumber party! We LOVE to party! You will always find a great party going on in the DA Hall with lots of love, PLENTY of laughter, support, and many times we share a tear or two together!

This page is in honor of these very special women. Click on the links below to meetthe DA'S and "Chuckie Boy"!!!



Britestar's Poetry in Motion

The Christmas Star