Although it was drizzly and rainy, everyone I met at the National Show was really nice and it was a real treat to be with so many truly "Saintly" dogs and their owners. It was also good to meet several people with whom I've previously only known via email.
The Saint Bernard Club of America
1999 National Specialty Show
Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013
May 6th, 7th, and 8th, 1999

(All photos were taken by Walter Wu - if you want to use these, please ask first)
If you know the names of any of the dogs or handlers not
correctly identified, please email me from the main page!
thanks to those who have helped me already!

Click on which day's events and winners you are interested in:
Thursday Events
Puppy Sweeps
and Dogs
Friday Events
Obedience, Bitches,
and Weight Pull
Saturday Events
Best of Breed
and Stud Dogs

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