141 Newberry Lane, Howell, MI 48843
Phone: (517) 540-1798    Fax: (517) 552-1332

E-Mail: drtripi@voyager.net

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Human Services Building
5303 S. Cedar, Lansing MI 48911
Telephone: (517) 887-4331

October 23, 1997

Subject: Dr. Elaine Tripi

To Whom It May Concern:

Ingham County Department of Veterans Affairs is a Tri-County Agency providing services to the more than 39,000 Lansing, Michigan area veterans and their dependents. Networked within the confines of this Department are representatives of Federal and State Agencies that provide local veterans assistance in conjunction with their specific programs.

One such agency is the Vet Center which is home based out of Grand Rapids, MI. The Vet Center’s primary purpose is to assist veterans in readjusting into civilian life. A high percentage of veterans utilizing the Vet Centers services suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Since there are only three Vet Centers located in Michigan, the VA has established a Central Office approved contract Psychologist program whereby veterans receive services close to their home on a regular basis. In August of 1996, Dr. Elaine Tripi was contracted by the Vet Center to provide these services to the local veteran community.

The results speak for themselves. Since August of 1996, the local caseload of veterans requesting Vet Center services have increased over 110%. More importantly, many veterans are experiencing significant improvement in their lifestyle.

Veterans who were once hesitant to seek these services are now recommending these services to their fellow veteran. This is directly attributed to Dr. Tripi’s concern for, and the professionalism in which she exhibits towards her clients.

Dr. Tripi is a welcomed addition to this office and to this area’s veteran community. It is without hesitation that I refer to Dr. Tripi, my clients who are in need of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder counseling.


Randy A. Marwede


(202) 508-3687 off.
(703) 938-5537 res.

1730 K. St. N.W.
Suite 304
Washington, D.C. 20006
Admitted in:

October 9, 1997



A large part of my practice involves representing clients at the Court of Veterans Appeals in Washington, D.C. in connection with their claims for disability compensation. This will include claims for an inability to work because of a service connected disability or disabilities.

On occasion I have had Dr. Tripi evaluate my clients as to the extent that their disability or disabilities affect their ability to obtain or engage in a substantially gainful occupation consistent with their education, work experience and their service connected disability. She is able to do this in person or by phone.

I have found that Dr. Tripi is well qualified to render such opinions. She has an extensive education background and clinical experience to make such a determination. Her analysis of the situation is well reasoned, pertinent and objective. Her rationale is well supported by sound medical principles and the evidence of the particular case.

I have every confidence in Dr. Tripi to render an objective, rational opinion that is supported by the evidence in the case.

If you have any questions relative to Dr. Tripi’s qualifications, feel free to contact me.

Marshall O. Potter, Jr.



A Client’s Testimonial

     I recently was awarded 100% disability from the Veteran’s Administration, and I just want to say thank you for understanding about my fears of working. For me, instead of a job, it’s been a struggle to survive which kept getting worse as time went on over the 28 years. I had given up in the summer of ’96, and was going to the mountains to die.
Roy S. H. 1997.


TO Elaine M. Tripi,                                                                               30/July/98

From Ron L.,

Myself and Dave S., my service officer from The Military Order of The Purple Heart,
received your evaluation in the mail yesterday, and I must tell you that I don't get
encouraged by much these days but after reading your report I am totally confident that I will get what I have been fighting for all these years. I spoke with Dave yesterday and he feels the same. He said he really liked what you had written and was going to take the evaluation to the ratings officer today. Dave was with another client when I called today so I could not find out what decision was made. I will talk to him on Friday, and I will update you on the outcome.

I am sending the latest correspondence from my current therapist to my union rep. I
am appealing (my employer’s) Disability decisions to not pay me for the last two weeks of my disability leave.

I have not rescheduled any appointments with these people, because I just do not feel
confident in their ability to help anymore. I will contact my benefits people and explain
my reasons for wanting to change who I treat with and see what they say. Thank you for all your help.

Ronald F. L.



Dear Dr. Tripi:

I received the Rehabilitation Evaluation that you wrote on my behalf. I was very pleased by it. Thank you.

I am forwarding it to the Department of the Army to include in the record for my
retroactive medical retirement case. If you know of any medical physicians orthopedists who specialize in back injuries who you would think may give me a favorable evaluation I would appreciate a referral to one.

Finally, if I get more involved in VA work (which I might as my sister is an attorney
and an R.N. and is married to a surgeon and she has a pretty active interest in medical
type cases) I will certainly refer you cases for rehabilitation evaluation in the future.
Thanks again. I thought the evaluation was outstanding.

Todd J.
Arlington, VA
July 26, 1998

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