Welcome To Lindalee'sGardens

My love for gardening began as soon as I was able to walk and follow my grandmother Bertha Kruger around her large flower garden on their farm. I remember it as if it were yesterday, she loved her flowers as I do, and what a blessing to have had such a wonderful grandma and friend.

A little about myself and my husband. We have lived our entire lives in the country of southwest Michigan. .Both raised on a farm about 4 miles from our farm here. Grew up digging in the dirt.The sun came up and out we had to go with the hoe in the hand. At the time I regretted it often, but years ago realized what a gift it had been to learn to work, care, share and appreciate what one worked for. My husband was brought up doing grain farming and his parents had cattle, so he also learned to work from little on. My husband and I will be married 40 years come this coming June, and we moved in here to our home on our wedding night.

I have a flower addiction that doesn't quit and a yard full of flowers everywhere, a 31 year collection. Then we decided to have our old farm home which is over a 100 years old, lifted from its foundation and the old basement bulldozed out and a new one built.I lost every plant, the bulldozer really did a number on the yard. Our porches had to be removed and so in 91 I had to start the planting all over again. Since that time as you can see from the pictures on this site I have planted a great deal. I can live outdoors in the summer. These are shots from my garden here this past summer in 1998. I grow daylilies, Asiatic and oriental lilies, and my favorite is the famous Star Gazer oriental lilies. Also I love the Muscadet oriental lilies also.

Each summerI plant many annuals, impatiens, zinnias, salvia's, cleome's and snapdragon's in large numbers. I also plant many other annuals also and have many other perennials. I plant glads and Priscilla is my favorite of the glads. Now two years ago I decided I was going to try growing morning glories again and being so hard to get them started was coming close to making me give up on growing them. My husband Quentin loves morning glories and so I stuck with it and he built me a fence for them. Heavenly Blue being the favorite and what a beautiful row we have enjoyed the past two summers.

The hummingbirds really work the glads, salvia, morningglories, bleeding hearts, and lilies. We were blessed with at least 50 hummingbirds last summer.

I have a few rose bushes at present time, I have some hibiscus plants of which we enjoy the large flowers and the red one is our favorite among them. We have raised two daughters and neither is following in our path with the love of growing.I always tell my two daughters that for all holidays they could throw in the flower fund that would be ok with me.

I hope you enjoy some of my garden I now look forward to spring of 1999 and the bursting forth of the bulbs out of the soil they lay sleeping in, when a new life begins again. Blessings to all who read this and share in my love of gardening. Lindalee

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