Was nobility his forte,perchance
or just a common happenstance,
would his life style do us proud,
would he stand out in a crowd.
These thoughts are for us to ponder
and think about the days back yonder
But rich or poor we're glad he came
to bestow on us that great Gray name.
This original Gray, the husband of Jane
unknown to us now, to our disdain
But maybe someday his star will rise
and a new revelation will open our eyes.
From him who started this Gray clan
and from the hard work of Linda and Dan
Part of our heritage has been unearthed,
and treasures abound about our birth.
In the book, the name William abounds
as prolific Grays made thier rounds
There's Nellie, Peter, Rachael and Paul
but there's no way I could name them all.
They traveled the states in search of hope
most any place was within thier scope
Names are listed where they tied thier knots
in wills,deeds,and cemetary plots.
They were teachers,preachers,and farmers too,
politicians,and horse thieves just to name a few.
They wore the uniform and defended us all
and I'm sure,in battle they all stood tall.
Yes we are proud that we are Gray's
and yet,we are humble in many ways.
Our life on earth hangs by a thread
so many loved ones are already dead.
Thats one of the reasons why we are here
To share memories that we all hold so dear.
To recall stories,that keeps our loved ones near
to never let die that they were here.
Over three hundred years ago to America they came.
In this reunion setting we are recalling there name.
will this be a tradition that transcends our time
and passes these treasures down the family line.
If it does, we'll all know who to praise
for there diligent work and countless days
they searched the archives covered with dust
To find the answers,they considered a must.
This book is unique,it's about you and me
about who we are,and what we are to be
It travels the roads that ceases to be trod
It is about family,country,and God