Bryan Anthony Cass

Victor, NY 14564

Work Experience

IDX Systems Corporation
1400 Shelburne Road, So. Burlington, VT 05403

Nov. 1990-Present -- Lead Software Engineer

Install and support IDXlab hospital laboratory software; write laboratory instrument interface programs, mainly in the M (MUMPS) programming language; support IDX customers via telephone and on site; advise and train junior and peer programmers; plan and manage programming projects.

More recently (since 1997), I have broadened the scope of programming projects as an IDX consultant programmer, working on HL7 interfaces to foreign systems, running large patient conversions, and doing miscellaneous projects involving managed care, billing and scheduling.

Pactel Cellular
2355 Main Street, Irvine, CA 92714

Oct. 1989 - Oct. 1990 -- Change Control Analyst

Designed and maintained a configuration management system; controlled software check in/out and system build processes; interviewed, trained and motivated Change Control employees; managed the release and implementation of new software versions; directed Change Control, Scheduling and Production Support groups in the department manager's absence; controlled software changes for a large Digital-to-IBM platform software conversion project.

Sept. 1987 - Oct. 1989 -- Production Support Analyst

Provided 24 hour/7 day technical support for a 14-node ACMS/DBMS VAXCluster system; managed software changes in a large hardware conversion project from Datapoint and PRIME to VAX; established and enforced development and operating standards for operations and programming staffs; established and documented the Technical Support position and trained new technical support personnel; installed, organized and managed an automated production scheduling system. Gained experience with Digital software products: ACMS, CMS, LSE, MMS and TDMS.

Silicon Systems, Inc. (now TDK)
14351 Myford Rd., Tustin, CA 92680

Oct. 1986 - Sept. 1987 -- Programmer/Analyst

Trained and supported users and maintained source code for all financial systems; created software systems for financial, manufacturing and MIS applications; prepared and taught user training classes about company financial systems; tested and installed new releases of financial system modules; gained experience with COBOL and BASIC programming languages, as well as Digital software products: FMS, Ddatatrieve, DBMS, DBQ and DCL.

Mar. 1984 - Oct. 1986 -- Information Center Staff

Wrote and maintained COBOL, Datatrieve and DCL programs in support of systems analysts; performed microcomputer user support and training; created and taught in-house microcomputer training classes for WordPerfect and Lotus 1-2-3; installed and maintained over 100 IBM PCs; was liaison between user community and systems analysts.


M.B.A. in Management Science (MIS) (May 1990)
California State University, Fullerton

B.A. in Business Administration - MIS Emphasis (Jan. 1987)
California State University, Fullerton

A.A. in Liberal Studies (June 1981)
Saddleback Community College, Mission Viejo, CA


Available upon request.


(Is there room for humor on a resumé?)

I have used my empowerment to create a new paradigm, and I teamed across functional boundaries to improve quality. I dare say I was focused and market driven! I proactively found excellence in the midst of chaos! I re-engineered my core processes and embraced change! I give you - Bryan Cass - the perfect employee!

From Dilbert, Nov. 14, 1993

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