Hi We are Sheri and Chris, my grandson,whom I am raising.
We moved in 07/26/98. This is a first attempt at a home page, so it will probably change a lot as I learn. Chris is 5 in this picture.
He just got a new school picture for the 98-99 school year. They sure grow fast.

My interests are:
scale miniatures, doll houses, gardening, grandkids. That's me on the right with my friend Amy Robinson, of All Through the House fame. She creates miniatures professionally, and sells all over New England. The model between us is a miniature rendition of 6 shops, done by a collaberation of 7 Maine Miniaturists. We finished it from start to finish in 3 months! A very good friend and I did the landscaping, as well as completed a flower shop on the 2nd story. Now I am working on a 1:12 scale Victorian Flower shop. I haven't had much time to work on it lately, with having become a full time parent to my grandson, Chris.

Chris' hobbies are Jukado, a form of martial arts that he just started studying, and matchbox cars. He enjoys all the Disney movies.

He especially likes driving tractors with his Uncle Ross at Aunt Dianne & Uncle Ross' house in northern California.

Aunt Dianne is a great swimming teacher, while Grandma Sheri hides everything below the neck in the water.

Of course, then he had to dry off in the warm sun.
The description of my page is:
Family Photos
Current Interests

You can e-mail us at grammom@hotmail.com
Please come back soon and visit us.

Links to other sites on the Web

More fun photos
Miniature Flowers I've Made

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