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Sammyman's Korean Page

Last Updated 31 Jan 99 / Best viewed at 800x600

**This Webpage is** currently under construction

rotating_camera.gif (16982 bytes)Korean Picturesrotating_camera.gif (16982 bytes)


Imjin-gak Resort

Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

Seoul, South Korea

New.gif (1012 bytes) Osan AirBase

Songtan, South Korea

Everland Amusement Park

My Co-Workers


Korean Information

A Briefing on North Korea (Microsoft Powerpoint 97)

North Korean Fact Sheet

South Korean Fact Sheet

Cultural Considerations (South Korea)

The History of Osan AB

Favorite Korean Links

New.gif (1012 bytes) The Korean Dragon

Korea Herald Homepage

Korea WebWeekly

DPRK - Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Korean Central News Agency

Favorite News Links


The New York Times

Miami Herald

WashingtonPost International

Favorite Misc Links

Visit my friend "Stick"
Visit my friend "THOR"
Welcome to the Internet Gaming Zone!
CD-Recordable FAQ



Shawn "Sammyman" Green
This is me in Korea for a one year remote tour


This page will hopefully give military and civilian personnel a better understanding of  the Korean Peninsula, its culture, and what to expect on an Osan AB, Republic of Korea assignment.   A picture says a thousand words so I have provided plenty of them for your enjoyment.



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This site is dedicated to all those who serve their country, their spouses, and the sacrifices they make every day.

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"Only the Sammyman can!!!"