Pilgrimages - 2000
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There will be many pilgrimages with PFMC coordination. The first few pages of the latest issue of "The PILGRIM" should be checked for the latest updates on planned pilgrimages.
A most prayerful group of pilgrims from New Jersey and the Delaware Valley was led by Michael McColgan with Father Ronald Falotico from Saint Peter Parish in Pleasantville, NJ as Spiritual Director on a Jubilee Year Summer Pilgrimage, August 15 thru 26, 2000 which included Medjugorje, Rome, San Giovanni Rotundo and Lanciano. San Giovanni Rotundo is on the Gargano Penninsula or spur of Italy. This is where Blessed Padre Pio spent the last years of his life and is buried. Lanciano is the site of one of the oldest Eucharistic Miracles.
This is one of the many PFMC pilgrimages to Medjugorje.
Cannonization of Blessed Katharine Drexel on October 1, 2000:
A most prayerful group of pilgrims from New Jersey, New York, and the Delaware Valley was led by Kathleen and Keith with Father Joy Chacko from Holy Name Parish in Delran, NJ as Spiritual Director on a powerful pilgrimage to
Medjugorje, Rome and Assisi from Septebmer 24 thru October 9, 2000.
Pilgrims were in Rome and in attendance at the Cannonization of Blessed Katharine Drexel on October 1, 2000, in Assisi for the Papal Jubilee Year Visit there on October 4, 2000, and back in Rome for the Holy Father's leading of the World in a Rosary against Abortion and in support of Life Chain activities throughout the World on the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, October 7, 2000 as well as the Collegial Consecration of the World and Russia on October 8, 2000.
A schedule showing day by day activities as well as the places of overnight accomodation was available to all pilgrims.
Holy Land and Jordan in the Jubilee Year:
The November 1 thru 14, 2000 Pilgrimage to the
Holy Land
and Jordan with Kathleen and Keith had to be postponed due to lack of participation. Father Jim Sauchelli, Associate Pastor at Visitation Parish in Brick, NJ had planned to be Spiritual Director.
Group Pilgrimages Tailored to YOUR Needs:
If anyone wishes to make a pilgrimage with PFMC coordination please contact us at (856) 768-9228.