Australian College of Ministries
Subject: PCB213 Youth Leadership Development and Education
Lecturer: Andrew Ball
Date of Subject: 31st August - 3rd September 1999
Ministry Centre of Subject: Carlingford
Student’s Name: Grant Mitchell
Student’s ID: C9901028
Item Of Work: Assignment 1 (Significance of Discipleship)
Words: 2268
Worth: 50% of subject mark
Date Submitted:
Due Date: Tuesday 30th November 1999
Signed:_____________________________ Date:______________
This paper will aim to show the significance of discipleship for youth ministry, and the strategy of "Teen Church" [1] to implement discipleship for a particular target group of youth.
Teen Church is a new strategy, a new group, to occur during the Sunday morning program, for youth aged approximately 12-16 who are predominantly the children of families who attend the Sunday morning programs.
Teen Church, shaped by the vision of Epping Church of Christ, and the goals of the Youth Department, will be shown to be a vital ministry with discipleship as its main content.
Vision of Epping Church of Christ
The vision of Epping Church of Christ (ECOC) shapes who we are, and particularly guides us to how we will operate in ministry. Discipleship is a key part of that vision.
"The bottom line is that we… do not understand that Bible study is essential to making disciples." [2] Discipleship involves teaching from the Bible, the Word of God. The vision of ECOC describes the involvement of the Word of God:
"We see a community in which the Bible is constantly used as the living text-book of our faith, the Word of God speaking fresh truth daily into our lives." [3]
It is important to ensure, in many varied ways, that the Bible is involved in our ministries.
Discipleship involves bringing people into the centre of the worshipping community. Not only in public worship times, but learning to live a life of worship. The vision of ECOC describes how worship is to be a part of the church:
"We see a community in which worship - the living encounter between the human heart and God - is the dynamic for evangelism, the energy and motivation for pastoral care, the inspiration for its decision-making, and the priority for its shared life." [4]
Discipleship will involve care, and drawing people into the community. Worship is a key component of growing in discipleship.
Discipleship will also involve a learning process of not only a person’s value in God’s eyes, but also the purpose and calling God has for an individual:
"We see a community in which each believer is actively coming to an understanding of their God-given calling…" [5]
In light of these points, discipleship is an important strategy in our church life because it will:
Teen Church is such a strategy. Since,
"Youth groups which only focus on evangelism have no trouble getting them in through the front door, but due to lack of shepherding ministries, the back door becomes wider than the front." [6]
Teen Church will provide more than a place for outreach events and more than a group Bible study. It will be a discipling environment, a shepherding environment, where:
This may be a frightening thing, being such a new strategy, but the vision of ECOC describes such new communities:
"We see a community of mission teams networked within and beyond our church community, using church planting philosophy to develop, grow, and resource worshipping communities." [8]
This vision statement was further clarified with respect to new youth ministry programs:
"In both children's and youth ministry we plan broader involvement and sharpened mission focus through renewing established programmes and introducing new ones to broaden our appeal." [9]
Teen Church is a new congregation networked within our church community. Teen Church is a church plant, which will develop, grow and resource a community of teenage disciples.
Teen Church is a discipleship strategy that is developed from the vision of Epping Church of Christ.
The goals of the Youth Department of ECOC have a key statement about the use of discipleship:
"To build a community that is effective in discipleship." [10]
The youth of ECOC need opportunities to become effective in discipleship.
This goal is further clarified and given expanded steps:
"To Build a Ministry that
Discipleship provides the development of devoted and mature followers of Christ. Through relationship building and loving care youth will grow to know Christ more and more, and then want to share him in mission. This kind of intentional care and growth can best be facilitated through a discipling environment, where worship, teaching, reflection, and caring will provide the means. Discipleship is important to the goals of the Youth Department of ECOC.
Discipleship is already happening in the youth at ECOC through Small Groups Network. However, these groups have begun with those youth that predominantly have contact with our church through Friday night events, and only a few of them will participate in Sunday morning programs.
Teen Church is a strategy in the youth department to fulfill its goals of discipleship with youth that participate in Sunday morning programs, particularly those who are the children of regular worshippers at these services. Teen Church will provide a discipling environment where:
Teen Church is a discipleship strategy that is developed from the goals of the ECOC Youth Department.
Since Teen Church is a discipleship strategy that is developed from the vision of ECOC and the goals of the ECOC Youth Department, the vision of Teen Church needs to reflect the significance of discipleship. At this point the vision of Teen Church is:
To plant a church community that will reach the target group, mirroring the vision of ECOC (where the target group is predominantly children of church families, aged 12-16, and consequently their friends).
Planting such a community is necessary for discipleship, as the past programs for the same group at the same time have:
The need for discipleship has been evident and satisfied in varied ways. However, these young people need a place they can call their own. There is a tension existing, since some of the young people who are involved in the current programs are only there because their parents brought them. They, and those who are there for themselves, need a place they will not only enjoy being at as they spend time together worshipping, learning, growing, caring, and being cared for, but also take hold of their own responsibility to know Christ more, and to share him with their friends. The discipleship opportunities provided need to involve them in ministry that is appropriate to their stage of calling.
Disciples are "those who follow Christ, are committed to him and his teachings… and seek to live in obedience to him." [12] Teen Church will continue to remain focussed on Christ, and building young people who have a "living encounter with the crucified and risen Christ." [13]
Teen Church will differ to other current youth programs in the way it facilitates discipleship. One philosophy for a discipleship program is:
"Train students to be God’s people in an ungodly world, equipped with Bible study and prayer skills developed in a caring atmosphere with a view to reproducing their Christian lives in others." [14]
This describes the importance of obedience, teaching, prayer, care, and mission work. Teen Church will adopt these methods, and explicitly add one more method: worship.
Worship is a personal or group experience where God is given his true worth. This involves more than intellectual acknowledgment: it will engage the whole person in encountering the living God. This is a powerful means of discipleship, because "the truth is that we nurture [youth] best when we create an environment that affects their hearts and their heads." [15]
Worship is an eternal part of being a disciple of Jesus. "The Bible gives us a glimpse of what we’ll be doing for eternity… in Rev. 5:9…", [16] that is worship.
Worship will be a part of Teen Church through:
Jesus commanded "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them… and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." [17] Thus, discipleship will involve hearing, and reflecting on teaching from the Bible. However, with youth:
"We must stop trying to cram beliefs in their baggage… we must use questions and strategies that will help them to unpack that faith baggage… and re-examine it… and then help them to repack it." [18]
Discipleship of young people will involve more than bible study and more than a devotional talk. It will require opportunity for challenge and reflection, sharing and changing, experiencing and doing.
Teaching will be a part of Teen Church through two methods:
Large group teaching will be more than a sermon, message, or devotional talk. It will seek to actively engage young people and involve them in learning. It will challenge them more than it will tell them; it will confront them more than it will give them information.
The small groups will be a "place for kids to explore their personal faith." [19] They will provide an opportunity for young people "to become more like Christ and to experience care, acceptance, and true community." [20] It will be less a place where youth are told how to be, and more a place where they can talk about their faith. [21] The groups will be less of a bible study, and more of a reflection and discipleship group. [22]
"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." [23] Not only will people know we are Jesus’ disciples, but they will know how they can be Jesus’ disciples when we love them, and care for them. This is also true for young people, because "the spirit of grace-giving love is what [youth] are starved for." [24]
If teaching is important for discipleship, how much more is love, care and concern. "Young people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care." [25]
Caring will be a part of Teen Church through:
Discipleship is a self-replicating process – that is, disciples will create other disciples. That is the point of this paper, and that is also a trait that is important when we design discipleship strategies. Disciples, no matter how mature they may or may not be, can be involved in mission. "Our primary goal as Youth Ministers is to equip young people for reaching their generation and making it richly into heaven." [26] Young people are the mission team to their own groups, they "are the ‘tract’; their lives are the ‘paper’ for non-Christians to read." [27]
Effective discipleship needs to provide motivation for mission: "Effective student ministry happens when a Christian student feels compassion for his or her lost friend and owns the responsibility to share Christ." [28] Effective discipleship also needs to provide opportunity for mission, and opportunity for events that provide service to the community. This will mean more than having a group to bring friends to; it will require events that focus on outreach, teaching that equips youth for outreach, and leaders who model being mission-minded disciples.
Teen Church will provide a mission-edge through:
Teen Church will shape young people to be a vital, and growing part of Epping Church of Christ. Its importance is seen in its goals of discipleship, that is, raising up young people to be:
Teen Church will bring to life the significance of discipleship.
Teen Church is just a working name; it will probably change.2
Robbins, Duffy. "The Ministry of Nurture" (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1990), p82.3
Potter, Paul (ed.). "A Vision For The Future" (Unpublished: Epping Church of Christ, 1999)4
Brine, Peter. "Dynamics in Growing a Youth Ministry" (Waterloo, Australia: Firepower Ministries, 1991), p31.7
Robbins, p55.8
Potter, Paul (ed.). "A Vision For The Future"9
Potter, Paul. "Firm Foundations" (Unpublished: Epping Church of Christ, 1999)10
Ferris, Tim. "Youth Department – Epping Church of Christ" (Unpublished: Epping Church of Christ, 1998)11
Mallison, John. "Mentoring to Develop Disciples and Leaders" (Lidcombe, Australia: Scripture Union, 1998), p17.13
Potter, Paul (ed.). "A Vision For The Future"14
Benson, Warren S. and Senter, Mark H. III (ed.s) "The Complete Book of Youth Ministry" (Chicago : Moody Press, 1987), p247.15
Robbins, p80.16
Lorenzini, Massimo. "Missions in the Postmodern World" ( /nm/ massimolorenzini/ missions.html, 14/11/1999)17
Matthew 28:19-20.18
Robbins, p69.19
Ibid., p68.20
Boshers, Bo. "Student Ministry for the 21st Century" (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1997), p173.21
Robbins, p69.22
Mallison, p152.23
John 13:3524
Boshers, p251.25
Stilwell, Tim. "Youth Alpha Leaders Manual" (London: HTB, 1996), p5 adapted from Maxwell, John C. "Developing the Leader Within You" (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1993), p117.26
Brine, p32.27
Boshers, p193.28
Benson, Warren S. and Senter, Mark H. III. (ed.s) The Complete Book of Youth Ministry (Chicago : Moody Press, 1987)
Boshers, Bo. Student Ministry for the 21st Century (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1997)
Brine, Peter. Dynamics in Growing a Youth Ministry (Waterloo, Australia: Firepower Ministries, 1991)
Ferris, Tim. Youth Department - Epping Church of Christ (Unpublished material from Epping Church of Christ, 1998)
Mallison, John. Mentoring to Develop Disciples and Leaders (Lidcombe, Australia: Scripture Union, 1998)
Potter, Paul (ed.) A Vision for the Future (Unpublished material from Epping Church of Christ, 1999)
Potter, Paul. Firm Foundations (Unpublished material from Epping Church of Christ, 1999)
Robbins, Duffy. The Ministry of Nurture (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1990)
Stilwell, Tim. Youth Alpha Leaders Manual (London: HTB, 1996)
All Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version. Copyright Ó 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.