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(It is our policy not to divulge either the names or locations of those who write us, unless requested by the writer. Hebrew Roots reserves the right to condense letters to save space. Every effort will be made to retain the essence of the communication. Responses to the letters may be for clarification, or for the general edification of our readership and are not necessarily directed toward the person writing the letter.)
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Dear Dean & Susan Wheelock,
You may or may not remember me. I met
you at the______s for a Sabbath last month. Thank you for
sending me a number of issues of Hebrew Roots to sample. G-d has
blessed me tremendously in the past few weeks through Hebrew
Roots. I especially appreciate issue 96-2 - "The Feast of
the LORD," "Tisha BAv," and
"Repentance, Judgment, Awe and Reconciliation."
The depth of meaning and symbolism
behind our Heavenly Fathers feast days places me in awe of
His ways and His Torah. Thank you for helping me to see this.
When I first received two sample issues of Hebrew Roots nearly a
year ago I did not believe in keeping G-ds feast days.
After much scripture study and prayer I finally came to a proper
understanding of and a conviction for the feast days. This
conviction formed just in time for me to keep the Feast of
Unleavened Bread. Having this conviction for G-ds feast
days combined with a better understanding of the covenant and the
Torah has prepared me to - truly appreciate Hebrew Roots. Please
keep me on your mailing list!
YHWHs blessings be
on you all,
Shalom Aleichem PS,
We cannot express to you how much your
letter means to us. It is letters and calls like yours that keep
us going when times get tough and the road seems long.
G-d has indeed worked a tremendous
blessing in your life, by bringing you to an understanding of His
Feast days. Be assured that every time you celebrate a festival
you will learn more, and will be brought into an even closer
relationship with your Creator. We are humbled to think that our
publication was a part of the vehicle by which He moved you to
embrace the Holydays.
Remember to stay close to our Father
through pray and study, applying those things you learn into your
daily life. The Adversary does not like it when someone begins to
follow Torah more closely, so you can expect him to put up a
fight. Just remember, he has absolutely no power over you, for
you have the Holy Spirit of Almighty G-d, and all you need do to
thwart the Adversary is call upon that great power.
May the peace of G-d
be with you
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My dear friends,
I believe wholeheartedly in the Work
youre doing, and I want to be a part of it.
The knowledge and understanding
Im receiving, as a result of your study and research, is
helping me to focus on my preparation for the
Bridegrooms return.
May God continue to bless you and the
Work youre doing.
Shalom Aleichem SJ,
Thank you for your support of our
efforts. You touched on the real key to personal, spiritual
growth; it must come through your own study accompanied by
heartfelt prayer. We view Hebrew Roots as a vehicle to bring
people into some basic understandings about who their Messiah
really is. After that, it is up to each individual to pursue
truth and follow it wherever it leads. We are pleased that you
are already going down that path.
May the peace of God
be with you always,
~ ~ ~
Dean & Susan,
Thank you for Hebrew Roots. I so look
forward to it. I have requested several people be put on your
mailing list but one of those people has indicated that they do
not approve of publications or tapes from others. He said all he
needed was the Bible. Since he says he puts them in the garbage,
I would like for you to remove his name from your mailing list.
No use wasting them or your postage. His name is _________
I do know that others are enjoying the
magazine. Keep up the good work! I believe God is blessing both
of you because you are doing this with love and we in turn are
being blessed when we read it.
Shalom Aleichem JB,
Thank you for sending us names of
people who are interested in receiving Hebrew Roots.
As to the person who throws all literature in the garbage, 1
wonder if he has ever considered the following scripture about
the Ethiopian eunuch;"
"So Philip ran to
him, and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, Do
you understand what you are reading?
"And he said, How can I,
unless someone guides me?"
(Acts 8:30-31)
Certainly the Bible must be the
final word of authority. However, there are keys which help to
open up our understanding of the Scriptures. One of those keys is
to understand the Hebrew roots of our faith. There are lots
people in the world who claim to follow the Bible and only the
Bible. Yet, many of them totally disagree with each other over
what the Bible teaches.
We hope your friend will decide to take
a second look at some of the available material which can be an
aid in further opening up the profound truths contained in the
May the peace of God
be with you always,