Iron sharpeneth iron;
so shall a man sharpeneth
the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17

      (It is our policy not to divulge either the names or locations of those who write us, unless requested by the writer. Hebrew Roots reserves the right to condense letters to save space. Every effort will be made to retain the essence of the communication. Responses to the letters may be for clarification, or for the general edification of our readership and are not necessarily directed toward the person writing the letter.)

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Dear Dean & Susan,
    We want to thank you for responding to our letter and sending the 97-1 issue of Hebrew Roots. The information was great and just in time for Passover.
    We had come to the same conclusion as you on the observance of a 15 Nisan Passover/Seder/Night to Be Observed. It is nice to know there are others of like mind, (especially after being taught a 14th Passover).
    This year was our first year of observing the Passover on the 15th, with a Seder meal and footwashing. Our children attended as well (instead of going to a sitters) and we all, especially the children, got much from this special evening. We also counted the omer for the first time.
    An interesting thing happened just before the Passover. A Jewish classmate, who knows we keep the Days of Unleavened Bread, asked our 8 yr. old daughter what she did for Passover. Our daughter answered she doesn't keep Passover (because the Church of God doesn't allow children to participate).
    That was an eye opener for us! The most important Holy Day of the year and our children aren't allowed to participate or understand what it means. We now feel there is something wrong with that. Doesn't it command us in Exodus 12:26-27 to teach our children about this special event?! Next year our daughter will be able to answer that question much different.
    We would also like to comment on your wonderful tapes. They are full of history that we have never heard before. Such background into the "Hebrew Roots" of Yashua the Messiah is important for those who believe in following His footsteps. It makes the Bible and its history mean so much more and clears up those passages that some try to take out of context. Keep up the good work! We look forward to future tapes.
    We would like to know where you will be holding the Feast of Tabernacles this year (and any available details). Also if you are aware of any Feast sites with a Hebrew flavor and any available information.


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Shalom Aleichem D & RL,
    Your letter is one of those that brought tears to our eyes when we read it. For so many years, in the Churches of God, the children have been forced to either not participate in the religious worship (i.e. Passover) or they have been told to sit still and be quite while some adult man goes on and on about things they probably cannot understand.
    I remember how I wept the first year we built a makeshift Succah (temporary dwelling) on the balcony of our condo at the Feast of Tabernacles. I saw all of the little children coming up with decorative items they had made to decorate the Succah. Then I recalled how my own children (now adults) had been forced to sit quietly through two services a day, every day at the Feast, and how they were never allowed to experience the joy of our redemption at a Passover service. I was as much at fault as the Church, for I followed what was accepted and expected at the time.
    It is our sincere desire that all of our readers, whether they observe a 14th or a 15th Passover/Lord's Supper, include their children in the activities. We remember well the comment made to us by a 15 year old girl after attending a Passover Seder; "This is the best Passover we have ever had."
    The vast numbers of young people who want nothing to do with the 'Church' are living testimonies to the fact that if we do not teach our children in the way they should go, they will not know the way.
    At this point in time (late July) we still have not made a commitment as to where we will be attending the Feast of Tabernacles. As you can tell from that statement, we are certainly not planning to sponsor one ourselves. We can barely keep up with the work load of Hebrew Roots, much less take on the responsibility of preparing and sponsoring a Feast ourselves.
    It is our firm belief that small is beautiful when it comes to the Festivals, until that day when we can all celebrate together in Jerusalem at the third Temple. May we suggest that you consider gathering with people of like mind in your own area, and study the Scriptures together. It is not necessary to have 'speakers. ' In the Jewish world Sukkot is kept at home by each family.
    If that does not appeal to you, you might want to consider checking out the latest issue of Servant's News for information on where various Feast sites are being planned and who is sponsoring them. May the peace of God he with you always,


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Dear Mr. Wheelock,
    I received my first issue of "Hebrew Roots" and the two tapes requested. Thank you so much! I can't begin to tell you how much good they are doing me. I especially liked the article about "Guarding Your Tongue." It was very painful to read, but also very inspiring.
    Do you know of any fellowship groups in Michigan, Ohio or Windsor that are "Hebrew Roots oriented? We tried attending with a congregation, and found their services to be very enjoyable. Unfortunately, the (leader) did not want non-trinitarians attending (we didn't bring it up, he did). I would deeply appreciate any info you can give me.
                        Shalom Aleichem,


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Shalom Aleichem MB,
    We are so sorry to hear about your negative experience in locating a place to worship. Please be assured that all congregations of the type you mentioned do not discriminate in the manner you experienced. However, that fact does not help you, since you live where you do.
    It is not part of our current mission to locate places of worship for those interested in exploring their 'Hebrew Roots.' However, if there are any people on our mailing list, in the area you mentioned, who would be interested in contacting you for fellowship, if they would drop us a line with their name, address and phone number, we will he happy to forward those on to you.
                May the peace of God
                  be with you always,


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