My personal page |
African American Mormons:
My senior thesis: African American Mormons and the Evolution of Church Policy
Brigham Young's statement to the Utah legislature regarding race, 1852
Intelligence by Brigham Young (1859)
Final Redemption of Cain by Brigham Young (1866)
Excerpt from Doctrinal Commentary on the Pearl of Great Price by Hyrum L. Andrus, 1967
Excerpt from Spencer W. Kimball, Resolute Disciple, Prophet of God by Francis M. Gibbons
Elridge Greaves, first African Canadian Mormon to receive the priesthood, 1978
Interview with LeGrand Richard regarding the revelation on the priesthood, 1978
Bruce R. McConkie's testimony of the revelation on priesthood, 1981
African Converts Without Baptism by E. Dale LeBaron (1998)
Blacks by Alan Cherry and Jessie L. Embry (1992)
Blacks and the Priesthood by D. Charles Pyle (1993)
Why were Blacks denied the priesthood for so long? by Joseph Fielding McConkie
Articles by W. John Walsh: Blacks are not Representatives of Satan * Interracial Marriage * Is Being Black A Disadvantage? * Is Interracial Marriage a Sin? * Mormons are not prejudiced |
About Me:
Hi. Let me tell you about myself. I was a history major at Brigham Young University. I first created this page in order to publish my senior thesis (updated 17 Apr 2005). The rest of this stuff just sort of grew over the years. I enjoy publishing my research in this way. I hope you find something here interesting. Please email me to let me know what you think.
My favorite links |
Hobbies & Interests
I still like to research and write on historical topics. I've done some research and writing on my own family history, including my mission to Venezuela. I like science fiction, music and movies.
My Gladys Knight pages * My Tayva Patch page * My world music page * My Star Trek: Deep Space Nine page * My Animated Feature Films (updated 05 Apr 2005) * My DVD Collection ) * My LDS Feature Films (updated 25 Mar 2005) * My Star Trek collection (updated 8 Jul 2006) * My Living Scriptures Collection (updated 05 Apr 2005) * My Power Wheels * 100 Years 100 Films * My Collection of Nativities (new 05 Sep 2005) |
I have a mom, a dad, three sisters and two brothers. I'm the oldest. I also have five uncles, four aunts and thirteen cousins. My husband has four sisters and one brother. Together we have fourteen nephews, four nieces, a daughter (new 06 Apr 2005) and a son (new 30 Mar 2005).
- Grandma Betty's biography - Grandma Roberta's biography - Grandma Roberta's other biography - Mom's autobiography (updated 09 Mar 2005) |
My best friend is Mike. He's my husband. Our closest friend is Marcus. He's our dog. You can visit his site below.
Marcus Boris Natasha Alex Baxter Quincy Frederick Hannah |
More pages
A Proclamation to worlds leaders, 1845 * How to write a biography |
Page created August 1998 Page updated 08 July 2006 |