Meg's Wedding
On May 20, 2000, Meg was married to Robert L (Rob) McCracken, Jr. at the North Branch Reformed Church. It was a rainy day, but this didn't "dampen" the festivities. A reception was held at the North Branch Fire Station after the 11:00 wedding.
Meg and photographer at home before the wedding
Meg at home before the wedding
Meg and Rob lighting unity candle
Meg, Pastor Burrstra, Rob
Parents Table: Grampa and Grandma Spiller, Wallaces, Mary and Bob (Robert Sr) McCracken
Parents Table: Grandma Spiller, Meg and Rob, Grandpa Spiller
Presenting Mr & Mrs McCracken
Yarnell Family table: Steve Klos, Mary, Stephanie, and Dave Yarnell, and Amy Louden
Rob's Toast
Bridal Party with Jane and Fred
Fred, Jen and Chris and shots of Jaegermeister
Jim and Melissa
First Dance
Meg and Dad
Meg teaching Dad some moves
Rob and his mother
Jeanie, Stephanie and Katie
Everyone dancing
Karioaki: Bonnie and Brian
Karioaki: Jeanie and Jeff - Eye of the Tiger
Meg and Rob in last dance surrounded by circle of friends