Hello! I am Moonglo. You may have only seen me once or twice, but I play an important role in RainbowLand. Unlike Rainbow being the guardian of the Rainbow and color for the day, I am the guardian for the color at night. I try to make the stars and moon shine their brightest for all to see! Except, at night, most people are sleeping, so they can't see my beautiful work. The colors of the night are not just white and silver. There are yellow stars, blue stars, green stars, and even red stars! I even have my own Sprite! Night Sprite. So, when the next evening roles around, you should look up into the sky. You might see some color in the night, or even better, you might actually see us. Remember, everybody has a purpose. Even me. If you see us, come up to the sky and meet us. We don't bite. Well, I don't, but I'm not sure about Night Sprite. Just kidding.
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