Hello and Welcome to Carousel Of Dreams.
I am your Webmistress Susanna.

I have chosen Carousel of Dreams because our dreams are in
constant motion. I hope that the additions will touch you
as they have touched me.

Even though I have learned how to create Graphics of my own,
I have chosen to use this set for my front page that Sweet
Melody has created. I am in the process of changing the graphics
on this website to reflect what I have learned over the last
4 years with the help of many friends of mine. I will be adding
and deleting making things look like new.

Wow..... The last time I updated was in January 2002. It is now January 2006.
What a whirlwind it has been.
My life has changed so much. I am now married to a
wonderful man that I met camping with friends, not on the computer.
I have begun a new journey that this website will reflect
in a matter of a couple of months.
I welcome you to come back and find what
I found and see why I am so happy and content.
Blessed Be

My Website is a Child Safe website.

If you would like to see my website in the font used,
download zip file here .


This candle was lit Dec 13th at 7pm in memory of my
son who died May 29, 1997 and for any other child
that has also died.


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