Our ancestors came from the British Isles and areas in what is today Germany.
We are proud of where they came from. We know that America would not be what it is
without people from all over the world immigrating here.
We are proud to be Americans. It makes our hearts fill with pride when we see the American flag, say the Pledge of Allegiance, and sing the Star-Spangled Banner.
Here in America our lives are touched by the unnecessary tragedies in our schools.
Our prayers are for the victims' families and friends.
Through various reasons our military is envolved in conflict. We pray for God's care and protection.
Help bring the children home.
If A Village of 100 People Represented the World
There would be:
57 Asians
21 Europeans
8 Africans
14 from the Western Hemisphere (north and south)
52 would be female, 48 would be male
70 would be non-white, 30 white
70 would be non-Christian, 30 would be Christian
59% of the entire world's wealth would be in the
hands of only 6 people
and all 6 would be citizens
of the United States
80 would live in substandard housing
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would be near death, 1 would be near birth
Only 1 would have a college education,
1 would own a computer
When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for both understanding and acceptance by each and every one of us becomes extrememly apparent. - Author Unknown -
Become aware of abuse to the elderly.
Visit the website for the National Center on Elder Abuse