Stepping into yet another large, cavernous Lyr, you make your way over to the candidate's area. With no dragon, there isn't much else to see!

You notice to some surprise that he is happily pottering about with a few small houseplant plants, rather unusual inside a sun-less cave! As you approach, he looks up to greet you, and a wayward lock of black hair slips over his eye.
"I'm Jaysen," he greets you, setting the pots on the edge of a wooden table. "Hi."
You smile back. "Plants?" you ask curiously, glancing at the bright green shrubs.
"I like them," Jaysen explains, a slightly regretful look on his face. "And I miss them from outside. Some types, like those I have, do very well in her, with warmth and some light."
"I guess you can't wait for bonding, then," you smile.

"I recently visited Flamedance Cavern," the boy adds. "And here's what came of it! Sunscorch Goldflame, my female Fyreal, and Bloodburn Scarletflame, my male!"

With interest, you examine the slightly tubby Fyreals, noting their dangerous-looking claws.

The next thing you see is that, instead of the usual hammock, a real bed, just a simple pallet, has been laid out. Seeing you examine it curiously, Jaysen explains somewhat sheepishly, "I can't sleep in a hammock. It gives me a headache." The slightly frail boy looks pained at the memory.

The band around his arm is grey, with a white line. "You were a healer-in-training?" you ask.
"Yes," Jaysen fingers the band. "I loved it. I don't know to take off the band just yet; there's no guarentee I'll be wearing the orange." he grins.

"Well, I'll be on my way," you nod, starting towards the exit. Jaysen goes with you. "What do you intend to do if you bond?"
"Courier," the young boy replies. "You get to see alot, spend lots of time alone with your rasha, and be out in the sun! Those are enough perks for me!"

Corestone Lyriss

Sha-Haven Weyr index