Some of my favorite things are:
Angels, Reading Mysteries, Travel, Candles, The Ocean, Fall, Winter, Flowers, Bird, Feeding/Watching, Computers, Crafts, Quilting, Cooking, Baking and Family.
This list is not listed in any order, that would take organization, and that takes too much time from the fun things in life.
I enjoy quilting and crafting with my Mom.  It is such a treat to have her live so close.  We can spend time together and share our love for crafts.
Summer is nearly here.  Wow where does the time go.  The flowers are blooming and the little league ballgames have started.  
Vacation time will soon follow.  
Where will you all go for your vacations?
Mom & Dad
My Mom is a very crafty person also.  She loves to paint, quilt and many other things.  She is an excellant cook.  
Mom and Dad are Firefighter/EMT's for our volunteer fire department.  
They enjoy travel and reading.  
At Christmas we always go around and look at the Christmas lights and decorations.
Dad is an Oliver Tractor fan and loves to travel to Tractor Shows.
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