<bgsound src="http://members.dingoblue.net.au/~aussiepugs/imtosexy.mid" loop=infinite>


I'm Too Sexy
I'm too sexy!

Welcome to my..oops 'our' page. I am Baby, a 11 year old female pug, and you are now entering MY world. I live with four other pugs, one sister, three brothers, and our parents. Make no mistake about it, I'm boss around here, that's right I own the place, and I won't let anyone forget that.

Now that I've let you in on who around here calls the shots, maybe I should give you some information about me, because I know you are wanting some. Like I said, I'm 6 years old, an April Fool's baby no less, but trust me, I'm NOBODY'S FOOL! I knew from the moment I was born that I would someday rule over my humans with a tough paw. Little did I know, however that I would get such a sucker easy human to manipulate. I love my mom, but lets face it, she's a pushover, and a sucker for the eyes, which is my specialty. I also am positive that she is a sucker for punishment, as I am always telling her off, giving hateful looks and boss her around all the time. I think alot of the reason she is whipped so badly is I was only five weeks old when she got me, and so small and beautiful. I am STILL beautiful though, there's no denying that, who could resist me? No one in their right mind, that's for sure!

Since I AM the boss and I AM the eldest, I get to have the most web space, as I have demanded it. Being the eldest does have it's perks, but I'll be honest, I'd be happier if it was just ME here in the house. Why?? Why, you ask? The answer is so simple, but leave it to a human to not know it! Okay, I'll explain it for you:

When it was just me, I got ALL the treats. I got all the attention, I was treated as I should have been, like the only pug on earth! Then, they did the evil deed! The brought home another female, Geisha. I could NOT believe my eyes when I saw what they had. I felt so betrayed, so used. Here they come in walking with her, grinning like fools, saying things like "Oh, isn't she cute?" and "Baby, look what we have for you!". I tried my hardest to show them I didn't want her around, I didn't ask for her, but did they take the hint? NO!

So here we are, 3 years from then, and three more pugs! All boys also, what could be worse than that? Oh I put up with them, only because I must, but if they get out of line, trust me I let them know right away! If they sass back, or gang up on me, my mom comes and gets me and tells them no! After all, I own my mother, and I AM the boss.

I guess I will finally give Geisha a chance to speak, as I have said what I wanted to for now. Thank you for stopping by MY "our" page.

I'm irresistable!Who could resist me?

Hi there! My name is Geisha, and I'm the second eldest of the house, but the youngest female. I am 4 years old, and still full of energy. I must say, I'm the sweetest of the bunch, nothing at all like that sourpuss, Baby! I love to play, play, and then play some more! It's my favorite thing to do. I can play with mommy, daddy, with the boys or by myself! It doesn't matter to me! I could play all night and all day! The way I see it is, toys were put on this world for one thing and one thing only ME!

Yep, I'm the active one out of the bunch, and I have a great body to prove it. I think that is the main reason Baby is so jealous of me. That, and I am so gorgeous! I really am, I'm not being vain, that's Baby's job, I'm just stating a fact! I also have a better attitude, she's always so crabby, never wants anyone to have ANY fun. Not me though, I love to have a good time, and enjoy myself.

I'm also the sweetest pug that you'll ever hope to meet! I give tons of kisses, all the time, to anyone! I even kiss the other pugs. My favorite one to kiss is Bubba, because he enjoys it SO much. Heck, he'll even lay down on his back so I can kiss him. Isn't that the greatest?

The boys all adore me, they think I'm great! We all play together all the time, they let me kiss them whenever I want to, and we even snuggle together and sleep. I think having brothers is the coolest thing in the world! I'm sure glad mom and dad got them for me, I was awful tired of playing by myself.

Thank you for stopping by and seeing us, please be sure to come back often! I'm going to go give my brothers some kisses now! I hope you enjoy viewing the rest of our site and our pictures, if you have time please stop by and visit our brothers too!

***Geisha left us, all together too young, please stop by and read her tribute page

Please Visit My Brothers! (They are just starting their site)

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