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The page is dedicated to special creatures.. they call them many names: humans, people, persons.. to all I dedicate each word.. each part of me.. with love.. amani
Life still can be.. Simple and easy

World still can be.. a better place to live..

And as we always had a place in us for tears, we will be always holding a place within us for smiles and laughter..

Love is created to over whelm all of us.. and all of us will always overwhelm the world with our happiness.. with our simple presence.. as long as;
nothing can be greater than being alive.. and nothing can be more beautiful than life..
Worlds Apart

Here we are.. worlds apart from each other.. looking forward to the day when we will be united again..

We just said good bye and carried on.. bright thoughts of the shining future waiting for us.. and dark rooms deep inside us.. how we will live without being together..

For the first time we feel empty.. for the first time we feel apart.. and for the first time seeking the hopes.. yet.. we know that once we are back the map of our love will be different from the one we have now.. and we carry on..

Isnt it strange.. isnt it a high price we pay for getting our future done.. bright and great.. is it fare enough to sacrify our love.. it is the Temple of Life that takes everything all at once and give everything all at once..
Why to remember.. how to live it..

Here we are, looking for something to make us a bit cheerfull, something to make us patient and accept the misrable taste of some moments in our life..

We are looking backward sometimes, finding something precious we left behind, but never cry for it.. it is a past, gone & done.. so it is a wastage to cry for it..

Sometimes we are looking backward to find a memory of somebody we left behind.. never cry because he may never remember.. what beautifull days he had with us..

Sometimes, we are looking backward and finding a lot of memories that is now nothing except an echo for the past, nevermind, we will never try to get it back but we still have a room for it.. as a sweet memories of old days, old times we spent full of pleasure and happyness..

Now we are looking forward trying to find a space for some good times to have.. a pleasure and happy times are never endless, just try to find a time for that...
Pleasant Life.
What is inside my page?!
Link to one of the rare sites..
Parts of me..
Life is Beautiful
What is to come!
Egyptian Pharaoh
I am just starting my page..
Give me some time till I get something online for you, I am preparing something you will like..
Hope to see you visiting me soon.   Amani
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