Hi I'm Snoshu.
My streak of insanity allowed me to go along with my daughter when she said I needed a web page so...... we started this in August '98. I'm still making this space my own.

I'm basically a shy country girl but have found that on the net there are a lot of us out here! I love my children, do lots of crafts and have a few animals. I am interested in genetics (it's complicated but I've read enough to finally make some sense of some of it) and genealogy. One of the best sites I've found for genealogy is Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet. I read almost any type of books and like to explore my world via computer.

Did I mention I love my children?!?!?! My oldest is a daughter anyone could be proud of! (Ok, so she's a bit of a smart alec! *L*) She was born in '82 and has grown to be a very mature and rather sensitive young lady. She has a wonderful, loving heart. She even called her mama when she was gonna be late home from work so I wouldn't worry about her! *S* She graduated from RN school in 2007. My youngest has a very rare genetic defect (hence the interest in genetics). I was told she would never live beyond early childhood. She was born in '84, so she's doing VERY well.

I am very loyal to my friends unless they give me reason to NOT be. I honestly like most critterz, especially horses (have 2) and cats (have 3). I generally like to be at home where I can relax and enjoy my children, friends and critterz.

I am very lucky to have some wonderful friends, both on the Internet and in real life.

Something I can NOT tolerate is child abuse!

Children are born into the world innocent and it's up to the adults in their lives to love them and nurture them. If the child isn't exactly what the parent wanted, then they have to remember that children DON'T come with guarantees. Children are individuals, not clones.

Please come back soon and visit me.

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