Patterson and Related Families

The South's Gonna Do It Agin'

 The Civil War was one of the bloodiest battles
ever fought on U.S. soil. Alot of our ancestors
fought and died for what they considered in their 
opinion was right. A nation was torn apart because 
of high tariffs, taxes, slavery and other things that 
compromised the beliefs of many. This section is in 
memory of those who fought bravely and died for their 

Have you ever wondered...
About the story behind "Taps"

We have all heard the haunting song, "Taps." It's the song that gives us that lump in our throats and usually creates tears in our eyes. But, do you know the story behind the song? If not, I think you will be pleased to find out about it's humble beginnings. Reportedly, it all began in 1862 during the Civil War, when Union Army Captain Robert Ellicombe was with his men near Harrison's Landing in Virginia. The Confederate Army was on the other side of the narrow strip of land. During the night, Captain Ellicombe heard the moans of a soldier who lay severely wounded on the field. Not knowing if it was a Union or Confederate soldier, the Captain decided to risk his life and bring the stricken man back for medical attention. Crawling on his stomach through the gunfire, the Captain reached the stricken soldier and began pulling him toward his encampment. When the Captain finally reached his own lines, he discovered it was actually a Confederate soldier, but the soldier was dead. The Captain lit a lantern and suddenly caught his breath and went numb with shock. In the dim light, he saw the face of the soldier. It was his own son. The boy had been studying music in the South when the war broke out. Without telling his father, the boy enlisted in the Confederate Army. The following morning, heartbroken, the father asked permission of his superiors to give his son a full military burial despite his enemy status. His request was only partially granted. The Captain had asked if he could have a group of Army band members play a funeral dirge for his son at the funeral. The request was turned down since the soldier was a Confederate. But, out of respect for the father, they did say they could give him only one musician. The Captain chose a bugler. He asked the bugler to play a series of musical notes he had found on a piece of paper in the pocket of the dead youth's uniform. This wish was granted. The haunting melody, we now know as "Taps" used at military funerals, was born. Day is done Gone the sun From the Lakes From the hills From the sky. All is well, Safely rest. God is nigh. Fading light Dims the sight And a star Gems the sky, Gleaming bright From afar, Drawing nigh, Falls the night. Thanks and praise, For our days, Neath the sun, Neath the stars, Neath the sky, As we go, This we know, God is nigh. I too, have felt the chills while listening to "Taps" but I have never seen all the words to the song until now. I didn't even know there was more than one verse. I also never knew the story behind the song and I didn't know if you had either so I thought I'd pass it along. I now have an even deeper respect for the song than I did before.

Welcome, Hi all, glad to see you drop in for a visit!

Our Family

By the way, some of the names you will be seeing on this page are: Patterson, Burton, Oliver, Humphries, Allen, McCollum, Hampton, Hamlin and these are the names I am currently researching. I will be making some changes here and there in the next few weeks, so be sure to come back for a visit.

The Patterson Family Resource Page_

Misc. Alabama Census_

Misc. Probate Records_

Allen Family Info_

Hampton Lineages_

The Humphries Page_

Jones Family Page_



Oliver Lineages_


Links to other sites on the Web

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Census Online
Humphreys Genealogy
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Tallapoosa Alabama Genealogy
Babylon Five- Scifi

Why not take a break and try your luck 
at trivia!

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And for the sports fan....

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Best of luck to all in their research....and to all of the scifi fanatics, live long and prosper.Have a great day and hope to see you agin' soon. You are the visitor to this site.

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