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Oldies But Young'uns
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Al is haunted by a tune heard on the radio which he can hum but not name.
He similarly haunts Kelly's date who learns that he can look but not touch.
[Note: this episode features the first appearance of the "Top of the Heap"
characters. Also, the ending credits have Al's mystery song playing:
"Anna (Go To Him)", instead of the regular theme music.]
Weitere Informationen / Other Information:
- Autor/Regisseur / Writer/Director: Bill Prady
- Erstausstrahlung / Original Air Date: 1991-03-17
Gaststars / Guest Cast:
- Charlie Verducci - Joseph Bologna
- Vinnie Verducci - Matt Le Blanc
- Kunde #1 / Customer #1 - Michael Stanton
- Kunde #2 / Customer #2 - Ron Litman
- Dave - Suli McCullough
- Rick Cool - Bean Baxter
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Mail: Robert "2BOB" Cerveny