
Buds 18. Geburtstag
Rites Of Passage

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Während Peggy zu Buds 18. Geburtstag eine Party mit einem Pony und Sticky, dem Clown, plant, macht Al ihn mit einer alten Bundy-Tradition vertraut: Dem ersten Besuch in einer Nacktbar - einschließlich der ersten Barschlägerei.


Peg plans a clown-and-pony party for Bud's 18th birthday, but Al offers him a Bundy tradition -- his first visit to a nudie bar and his first bar fight. Meanwhile, Buck falls in love with the pony. [Note: this episode's credits *finally* reveals that Buck the Dog's voice has been provided by staff writer Kevin Curran. Also, instead of the normal still frame during the closing credits, there is a scene showing Sticky playing with a large knife and a teddy bear. ]

Bilder in Bundyland von Mark J. Cox:
Pictures at Bundyland by Mark J. Cox:

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Mail: Robert "2BOB" Cerveny