Monday, May 10, 1999 - Update

Has it really been close to two months since I've updated the website? I've been taking my Latin class much too seriously!

Some success on the film festival front. FOOTB received a Gold Seal award from the Institute of Amateur Cinematographers during their Film, Video and Audio Visual Festival held in Harrogate, England. It was shown Saturday, April 24th. They even sent the judges' review sheets. Funny comments, some I agreed with, some a little off the mark. Hey, but no feedback is bad feedback.

Meanwhile I've nailed down the elusive theme for Green. It's all very simple: Each character has a hook, a dominate personal motivator. Most, if not all of them, are consciously unaware of what it may be. But it's there, burning inside of them, determining all of their actions, choices. And when they're under stress or are in an inebriated state, it comes like thunder. They may appear to be babies in this respect, but aren't we all? College is one of the few times that we can behave this way with impunity.

It will be most important to remain true to this concept, while not making the characters one-dimensional and devoid of personality. This theme may express itself in various ways. Apparently random comments at the dinner table, who sits next to whom, etc. The weird guy at Mary's first party states it succinctly: "Everybody radiates their own light, only we can't usually see it, but if there's an eclipse you'd see what I mean. The light is the sum of their desires, fears. You see it's all about black body radiation, man. I used to teach in the physics departmant, man. That's the truth."


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