Friday, June 06, 1997 - "And we weren't even with those other girls..."

6:00 p.m. call time, what a treat. Not much rest for the weary since I spent the better part of the morning blocking out the day's shoot and dealing with location problems. Got the Berkeley permit just in time, as we're shooting downtown today. Wonder if anyone will hassle us..

Began the shooting day with shooting the picture car going across the Bay bridge close to sunset. Worked out really well with the walkies. Remind myself to pat on the back whoever recommended I buy those.

The parking lot shoot was painful. Night shooting, it so hard to get anything done. People aren't as alert and the pace just crawls. The actors lose their energy and it's cold. We were crazy to think we could get all the filming done that we had planned. We did complete quite a bit, however. We'll have to schedule another night to finish. Where will we find the time?

Lighting was an issue. How can you shoot without light? I should have gotten more, but we worked with what we had on hand. About midnight we lost our power source entirely: The booth closed down and they wouldn't let us tap off after they closed. Luckily the Taiwan restaurant let us plug in and we got off the last scene just by shifting to the other end of the parking lot.

Didn't realize Katy didn't know how to drive until we got on set today. Guess it makes sense since she's only 15. Driving lessons right before an important scene were probably just as exasperating for her as it was for me. Fortunately she only has to back out, then pull forward.

Too long a day. We'll need to regroup for tomorrow.


From Out Of The Blue

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