Friday, June 20, 1997 - Getaway

The vacation I've been waiting for. And I brought the family along.

It would have been hard deciding who goes and who stays behind if it weren't for the fact I really have such limited funds. Nikki is out of town, otherwise she would have made the cut. Sound people we can pick up at the University. Heather and Dave are essential. And we definitely need Sam and Katy. Otherwise there would be nothing to film. And it would be too hard on Katy not to bring Liz.

More luggage than I ever imagined 6 people could generate. But with 2 cameras, sound gear, camera paraphernalia and the inevitable clothing it's to be expected. Don't people get paid to coordinate this kind of thing? $60 just to get to the airport. Guess I'm just too used to bumming around on my own, taking BART. Saving up money to make a film.

By the time we hit Albuquerque I'll need 5 day's sleep. No, I'm way too excited. I'll surely be up half the night fussing with the CP-16.

If it weren't for the Katy-luggage incident, the trip out would have been problem-free. But what an incident. Never in my life have I seen a piece of baggage get so utterly and completely destroyed. Why Katy? But let's put all of that aside right now.

In terram adsumus solis. Diem carpamus.


From Out Of The Blue

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