Got up and had a reasonably quick breakfast. Then checked out and hit the road. Dave and Heather are absolutely toasted today. We won't even go there.
Today we'll do shot 54B ("I am bathed in light!") on the way to Albuquerque. It's just a question of finding the right location. It would be nice to have some mountains in the distance. The Sandias should frame in nicely. And some sun. No problems there.
Decided to do a voice-over for the scene. We can therefore shoot it today MOS. Get 3 takes and pack it in. I'll drive the car since Sam is gone. I hope this filling in for Sam doesn't become a full-time occupation for me.
Hit Albuquerque in plenty of time and escorted the gang to Old Town. Then boogied up to see Julie, Randy and Samar. Had a real nice, if brief visit. I'll have to come back in the fall when production has wound down.
Got to the airport to rendez-vous with Heather, Dave, Liz and Katy. Checked in our bags, returned the cars and headed back to Oaktown, with 5 rolls (55.555 minutes) of unprocessed hope and dreams.
And thus ends our journey to the Land of Enchantment. But my heart will never leave.
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