July 16, 1997 - Weekend Schedule

Finished the shooting schedule for this month. Saturday is a bit intense, but it can be done if we're efficient and don't waste time talking about nonessential things or things that have been already decided on the set.

We'll go to the Ocean first and shoot Carol's drive-by scene (33), after doing the B roll footage before the cast arrives (Credits, Ocean, Michael's car parked for scene 33). We should get there about 4:00 and plan for Julie to show up about 5:30. After scene 33 Julie can break for dinner and meet us back at the loft around 10. Meanwhile we shood Mary and Michael's beach scenes, then redo the scene where Mary scares Michael in the car (hostess tray.) Then we need to wait until it's dark, setting up the lighting in the car and do scenes 19 and 41 (Mary the passenger and Michael parks.) Finally we set up at the loft and pick up the San Jose Hotel door scenes.

Saturday will be an easier day as there's only one location (loft). I'll set up beforehand. Maybe we can have a call as late as noon. We'll do Michael dreaming first and get that out of the way before Carol comes. Then we'll move to downstairs and do the Santa Fe Hotel elevator scene (47A and 47B). Then we move to the front door and continue the action of 47C (You go to hell then! Damn it, Michael!...") After this we cut Sam and shoot 51B (Carol watchs on balcony) then move inside to do Carol's intimate scenes, (48 - body double for 48D) Carol's night terror (63) and Carol sleeping (65). And that's a wrap.

I need to first make sure Sam can make it, then call Julie and let her know the call times, then confirm with Katy and the crew, then reserve the equipment for the shoot. We'll need the 4 runner for scenes 19 33 and 41.

August I can sleep.


From Out Of The Blue

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