July 19, 1997

Got around to making those changes to the Eclair power supplies that the service fellow recommended. Turns out one of the belts is rated at 14 volts and the other one has a bad cell and is only putting out about 10.8 volts. The thing to do is take two cells out of the high belt and replace them into the low one (i.e. the bad cell and the adjacent one.) Took about an hour. Funny I never noticed it before, though the green belt not working should have been a clue.

I'm at the mercy of the Bay Area fog for my B roll footage, and, more importantly, for the beach scenes scheduled for next weekend. Have to have a contingency plan.

Speaking of the beach scene, the credits will go something like this:

So we have Earth, Fire, Air, Water. Mary's the Fire. The others are more straightforward ;^)


From Out Of The Blue

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