July 20, 1997 - Weekend Update

Ran about 7-8 minutes of film through the camera this weekend, B roll stuff primarily for the dream sequence, though I did some footage for scenes 18 and 34 as well. I want to send this up to Alpha Cine quick as a bunny so I can see it before the shoot next weekend, just to make sure everything's cool with the camera after servicing.

If the B roll footage comes out like I envision, those sequences will look great. I really like the idea of using the Yeats poem as a basis for Michael's dream. Then Mary brings it up out of the blue (ha ha) a few scenes later. Then we tie in the Doppler shift explanation. Just a sidebar, but it defines the environment in which the story unfolds, that whole second coming thing.

Had a nice time at the editing facility on Saturday. The two really appear to have it together. I'm pretty much set on going with what they have to offer. Just need to get some kind of a rough estimate as to how long it will take.

Hopefully the New Mexico stuff will be ready for me to pick up from Monaco on Monday. If so I'll swing buy after work.

Stayed up until 3:30 Sunday morning. Now I've got to get back to a normal schedule for Monday. August I'll sleep...


From Out Of The Blue

Book. | The Film | The Sequel.

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