August 11, 1997 - Katy's Night Out...

Shot 18I (The fake marquis movie thing) went off without a hitch, or at least I think it did. Never sure about night exposures until you see the rushes. Standard routine is to meter, then shoot wide open, hoping for the best. I'll have to change that when I have more money to spare and can actually have reasonable night lighting. We'll do this for Dormitory. I have a good feeling about this shot, though.

At any rate, the folks at UC Theater were totally cool. I left them a copy of the book in gratitude. I'll have to keep them abreast of what's going on with the film.

Seeing CAERULA and KATY'S NIGHT OUT up in lights was very exciting. We'll have to get the film's title up there for real.

Came up with a shot list for this Saturday:

I can set up each room the day before and will only have to move lights.


As Dave would say, Sunday should be cake. As long as we have the car...

Will need Kenos for the car scenes, and the hostess tray. Will also need to contact the batting cage. That might be rough since I'm not sure if the manager even knew about it.

Action Items:

Just realized today that caerula means of the Blue. "From Out Of The Blue" would surely be the ablative case, and since caerula appears to be 3rd declension plural neuter, the ablative case would be caerulibus. Doesn't sound as nice. I'll stick with caerula. Does anyone care, besides the Pope?

Popcorn and jook for dinner. And if you ask who jook is, you're gonna get slapped.


From Out Of The Blue

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