Took care of all of my action items for the day except calling Heather and reserving lighting. I'll do those in the morning.
We can be quite efficient with this weekend's shoot if we put our mind to it. It's up to me to prep everyone on what I want and then get right to it. No standing around! It's so easy to fall in to that trap. Seems like it's worse when we have the least amount to do. Human nature to take a break when one is available.
I keep thinking about this Dormitory idea. It's definitely under my skin. I'll have to make sure I write all the ideas down. First things first, though.
If the picture car falls through I need to be ready with a backup plan. It's crucial we wrap this weekend.
quam pulchra terra est nostra.
quam brevis vita.
at cum oculos amittam,
ardens adhuc flamma tibi.
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