Thursday, September 25, 1997 - Editing

Had a nice time with the editors last night. I showed them the rough cut, which was well-received. Every time I see it (and I'm sure I'll be sick of it on the 100th viewing) I get a clearer idea of what needs to be done.

Zachary gave me the format for the take download ASCII file. Here it is:


It's all pretty self-explanatory. The CLIP # will probably correspond to Shot/Take and the Time code numbers will use colons as field delineators, as usual. This should all be separated by bins, which could correspond to scenes, or whatever seems appropriate. I'll probably use scenes, and a an additional B roll bin for the stuff that doesn't correspond to any particular scene (which is all B roll). I'll make it as granular as necessary.

I'll generate this list of all of the takes that look useful, and a separate list corresponding to the rough dub. I just need to get cracking on it.

Once again my weekend is pretty much spoken for.


Quaeris, quot mihi basiationes
tuae, Lesbia, sint satis superque?

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