Sat down and transcribed about 10 more minutes or so of the dirty dub to the log. This is the way it has to be. 5 minutes here and there, scraping and clawing.
I keep finding little pieces of sound that I've forgotten to add to the list of things to transfer to Beta. I'll update the sound list accordingly.
I rescheduled my meeting with Karen and Zachary (we're going to have to come up with a nickname for Zachary: something easier to type) for Friday. Work went on forever today and I'm exhausted. I find myself making more and more silly typing mistakes. Time for a break. Maybe I'll take a few days off sometime soon.
Watching the dub. Every frame tells a story. All those moments in that little window. I complain about being tired and spending money, but that's silly. It's well worth the effort. I'm lucky I have the chance to do this.
Numbers numbers numbers, falling out of my ears...
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