Tuesday, October 21, 1997 - Fall Nights

Days are so much shorter now. Happens every year, so I don't know why it seems like so strange when fall comes.

Everything is pretty much on schedule. Last year I imagined planning feverishly in the winter when it was dark, shooting in the summer when the days were long (and boy were they long) and putting it all together when the days got short again. And that looks to be the way it's working out. Can't believe it's been close to a year since I've been working on this pretty much full time. I was doing the breakdown sheets last December and there they are sitting there, well-used. What a party.

Filled out the Dream Sequence for the Master Dub List. I've got about a half hour of film to get through, and I'm determined to finish it this weekend. Meanwhile I found a typo and a missed entry in the Master Bin List. When I find things like this I'll update the file then notify Karen and Zachary of the changes. That way nobody gets confused.

I also have to finish tracking down the wild track. Doing the dream sequence made me realize that I'm really planning to use the sound of a siren in that. Just have to bite the bullet and record it someplace. Best bet is to set off someone's car alarm. And I also need batting cage wild track for Scene 17.

But now it's time for bed again.


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