Looking through the production photos brings back all of the stress I was feeling back then. Funny thing is I'm looking like I'm having the time of my life. I guess I was.
It's funny how certain things stick in your head for no apparent reason. The first full day of filming in New Mexico we were driving along Highway 14 in caravan fashion behind the Sandias. I was feverishly trying to figure out where the best place to shoot the day's roadside scene when we came across that cafe. What was it called, Kokopelli's? We needed some tools bought or forms xeroxed or something so I sent Morgan and Jeremy down to Walgreen's or the post office or somewhere, in the picture car.
Morgan and Jeremy, what great guys they were. They worked out well and a half. At the point I mention above I barely knew them. Didn't even know who was Morgan and who was Jeremy, or what their last names were for that matter, where they lived. And here I am sending them off on an errand in the picture car with some money, hoping they didn't disappear into the Wild West to buy some tequila, harvest a little peyote, pick up a few outlaw hippy biker chicks along the way, madness, debauchery and mayhem along route 666.
Sent Zachary a pointer to the dub list.
Imperium habere vis magnum? Impera tibi.
-Publilius Syrus
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