Scene 37 - Overlook

(Sunny feeling to this scene. Lots of smiles, very quiet. Can hear quiet sounds, the sound of flies. Still air. Incredibly sunny. Bruce's car is parked at a scenic overlook.)

(Bruce with binoculars, using car door, car frame for support. He's looking off into the distance, standing half in, half out of car.)

(Mary is in the back seat. We can only see her legs, which are sticking out of the open door.)

Bruce: Look, Mary! I can see the field where you're going to be playing.

Mary: That's nice.

Bruce: Wow, I think I see a mountain goat, too. Over in those mountains. Oh, wait. It's gone. I think that's what it was.

Mary: What? (It's very curious what she's doing. Can still only see her legs, which she's kicking in a swimming motion.)

Bruce: What do you think Carol's doing?

Mary: I dunno. (She sings this.)

Bruce: I don't know, either. (Lowers binoculars. Looks reflective. Looks over at Mary.)

(Mary sitting in back seat. Door still open. She's smiling at Bruce. Bruce sits down in back seat next to Mary. They look at each other.)

Bruce: It's so quiet here. You can really hear the sound of your own body. I can hear the sound of my heat. It beats in all directions. Yours too.

Mary: What's that sound like?

Bruce: Kathump, kabump...

Mary: Take my pulse. My heart's beating funny. Can it skip a beat?

Bruce: (Takes her hand) I don't think we have to worry about you being a cardiac patient. Not unless you keep it up with those tortilla chips.

(Looks at his watch. Fifteen second pause as he takes her pulse. He looks at her while calculating her pulse.) Sixty eight.

Mary: You're my lover.

Bruce: What am I going to do with you?

Mary: (Slightly offended) What do you mean?

Bruce: (Seriously) You're so young.

Mary: And you like it. You like me being young. (Pause. She then leans up to Bruce in a humorous way, opening her eyes wide, whispering with a smile.) You like it.

Bruce: (Kind of to himself) Maybe a little too young.

Mary: No I'm not.

Bruce: Yes you are.

Mary: (Smiling) No I'm not not not.

Bruce: (Smiling) Yes you are are are.

Mary: (Defiantly) No I'm not. You don't know what you're talking about.

Bruce: You see, darling. Society doesn't want you to know too much about sex until you've properly learned how not to enjoy it.

(Mary looks at him, smiles.)

Bruce: I could spend a lifetime kissing that little mouth of yours. (They looks at each other for a spell.)

Mary: You're my baby boy...

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