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Main image (ogre) : bottom bit
Greetings to you, web-wanderer! I see you have ventured to my humble abode. Wait a moment... Haven't I seen you before? Hmm?.. No? Well, no matter. For if you have been here before then you will notice a few changes (ok, so I have been promising to re-decorate, empty out the trash can, and dust off the shelves for a year or so now... finally I get done!). But, if you be yet another new traveller of the cyber-plains to visit me, then please do come in... But don't forget to wipe your feet first - this is new decoration, ya know?!

So what has changed to my humble.. No, I'm going to be vain for a change; to my incredible, amazing, wonderful, fantast... What?? Oh, ok then, I'll go back to being humble... Oh, never mind.. I'll just tell you what the hell has changed, shall I?

  • Well my personal information has changed - it's still damn scary, but at least it's up-to-date!
  • Yup! There are still people out there who are dang freaks.. erm, friends.. And here are some.. Shocking, huh?
  • Yet more pictures! And let's face it, this is what you all really want to see, isn't it? I thought so! You are so obvious!
  • Talkers is a new addition to my home, here... Maybe you have heard of them?
  • So many links I feel I should be wearing chain mail!
  • And as if all that were not enough (am I being generous, or what?! - don't answer that!) I have also changed the design of the page, added some JavaScript, and all sorts!

    Have you noticed the incredibly handsome hunk to the left? That would be me... And if you haven't wiped your feet on entering my home, then I'll.. I'll... Well I'll just chop yer toes off, and it'll be your own fault! Don't come running to me about it!

    Now, if you are lucky and have been very good web-wanderers (cleaned your teeth, stopped picking your nose in public, and transferred a large amount of money into my bank account) then I will again update these pages... If not, then.. well I'll still update these pages, but you know I won't respect you in the morning!

  • [ Personal Info | Photo Album | Friends | Talkers | More Links ]

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