My Collection

Here is a listing of everything that I have. The average grade is a fine. There are a few items, which are one of a kind. It took me six years to collect these magazines. In total there are 1084 magazines (818 American editions "a complete collection" and 260 foreign), and 57 collectables (28 posters plus masks, art, cels, rings, etc.). I really glad that the eBay auction is over. I was very disappointed by the lowest of the bids. I thought the collection would bring a much higher price. Oh well, I don't plan to ever sell it now and will return to doing what I like, that is collecting. Please write me if you have any of things I'm looking for. Click on the highlighted title to see the item.

American Editions of the Magazines (818)

After Hours 1,
After Hours 2, After Hours 3,
After Hours 4(1957)
Alien (12/79)
Blazing Combat 1(10/65) -4(7/66)
Blazing Combat Anthology (loose cover)
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
Comix International 1(7/74)-5(spring '77)
Creepy 1(1964)-145(2/83)
Creepy (paperback)
Creepy Yearbook 1968,1969,1970,1971,1972
Dracula (1979)
Eerie 1(9/65)-139(2/83)
Eerie Yearbooks:1970,1971,1972
Famous Films:#1 Horror of Party Beach (1964)
#2Curse of Frankenstein/Horror of Dracula (1964)
Famous Monsters Game Book 1 (6/82)
Famous Monsters of Filmland 1-69,80(10/70)-191(2/83)
NOTE: #4 is missing it's back cover
NOTE: #7 Tomorrow's Monsters Cover
NOTE: #13 a few pages have been cut
New Famous Monsters (Dynacomm):200-current issue
Famous Monsters of Filmland Convention Program:
1961 (signed by FJA), 1974, 1975 (signed by Barbra Leigh Vampirella)
Famous Monsters of Filmland Do It Yourself Monster
Make-up handbook 1('65)
Famous Monsters of Filmland paperbacks:
#1 Best From Famous Monsters of Filmland(6/64)
#2 Son of Famous Monsters of Filmland(3/65)
#3 Famous Monsters of Filmland Strikeback(6/65)
Famous Monsters of Filmland Presents:
1981 Horror Movie Yearbook (2/81)
1982 Film Fantasy Yearbook (3/82)
1983 Film Fantasy Yearbook (3/83)
Famous Monsters of Filmland Yearbook 1 ('62) 2('64)-10('72)
Favorite Westerns of Filmland 1(5/60)-2(8/60)
Flintstones at the New York World's Fair(1964) 25c,29c,
***Note:There was also a third variant with a yellow title bar 25c cover. (I have all three different versions)
Freakout USA 1(Fall/67)-2(2/68)
Future World Comix 1(9/78)
Galactic War Comix 1(12/78)
Goblin 1(7/82) -3(12/82)
Heidi Saha (1973)
Help! 1(8/60)-26(9/65) also new issue #27
Help! (paperbacks) 1-2
House of Horror (signed FJA)(4/78)
Lord of the Rings (5/79)
Luana (paperback by Alan Dean Foster)
Meteor Magazine (1/80)
Mole People (1965)
Monster World 1(11/64)-10(9/66)
1984 1(6/78)-10(1/80)
1994 11(2/80)-29(2/83)
Odd Comix World of Richard Corben (1977)
On The Scene Presents Superheroes(10/66)
Rook 1(11/79)-14(4/82)
Screen Thrills Illustrated 1(6/62)-10(2/65)
Spacemen 1(7/61)-8(6/64)
Spacemen Annual (1965)
Spirit 1(4/74)-16(10/76)
Spirit Special (1975)
Star Quest Comix (10/78)
Star Wars Spectacular (1977)
Teen Love Stories 2(67)
Tiny Tim (1968)
UFO and Alien Comix 1 (1/78)
Vampirella 1(9/69)-112(2/83)
Vampirella #113 (Harris)
Vampirella Annual 1(1972)
Vampirella Special 1(1977) (soft/hard cover editions)
Vampirella paperbacks by Ron Goulart
#1 Bloodstalk
#2 On Alien Wings (12/75)
#3 Deadwalk (1/76)
#4 Blood Wedding (3/76)
#5 Deathgame (5/76)
#6 Snakegod
Warren Presents:
#1 Ring of the Warlords (1/79)
#2 Rook (3/79)
#3 Alien Invasion Comix (8/79)
#4 Movie Aliens Illustrated (9/79)
#5 Dracula 1979 (9/79)
#6 Strange Stories of Vampires (10/79)
#7 Moonraker (10/79)
#8 Pantha (10/80)
#9 Empire Encounters Comics (11/80)
#13 Sword and Sorcery Comix (10/81)
#14 Rex Havoc (11/81)
Wildest Westerns 3(10/60)-6(8/61)


Creepy: 11,12,14,29
Eerie: 21
Vampirella: 3,10,12,13,15,20

Eerie:1, 3, 4

Eerie: 5 , 10
Vampirella:2 , 3, 5 , 22 , 23 , 24, 25

Vampirella(1972): 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 14 , 15
Vampir-Comics:1, 4, 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13
Vampirella(1982):5, 7

1984: 2 , 4 , 9 ,11,13,15-24,27,33,34,37,39
Vampirella paperback (Oscar Mondedora)
Vampirella magazine

Vampirella: 1
Vampirella: 2-15
Zakarella: 18

Famosos del Cine: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 11
Spirit:1 -30
Vampus:1-77 and special
Vampirella:1-38 and Special (sc)
GRU:9 , 17



Creepy Fan club
Eerie Fan Club
Famous Monsters Fan club
Famous Monsters (set of 64 cards)
Vampirella Fan Club:1st early 70's edition
2nd late 70's edition

Underwear:(from the cover of Eerie: 40)
Famous Monsters (cover of Creepy 72)


FAN CLUB PINS:Creepy (1968),Eerie (1969),
Famous Monsters(1972)

GAMES(included in the magazines):
Monster Castle, Eerie Castle, Monster Match, Werewolf,Capture

LIBRARY CASES:Famous Monsters

MASKS:Creepy, Eerie by Don Post(rubber)
Deluxe Edition of Uncle Creepy
Also, a Cousin Eerie mask by Ben Cooper

MODELS:Vampirella(with bat) (1971)




Double sided poster: Creepy #46 and Eerie #40 (it was included in Eerie #51 and Creepy #55)

Creepy:7,10,11,72,75,84,93,95,Uncle Creepy

Eerie:46,57,59,79,81,82,88,Cousin Eerie

Famous Monsters:93,100,109,113

Vampirella:7,23,27,52,Vampirella 6',Vampirella(Mike Royer print)

PUZZLES:(7)Creepy: #28, 71,81(500pcs) (1977)
Eerie: 23,38,59, 64, (1977)
Vampirella: giant

RECORDS:Famous Monsters Speak

RINGS: Cousin Eerie, Uncle Creepy

Misc (12):Dracula Dirt Pendant (4 of these)
Vampirella sticker 9"
Color Proofs from 1984's Starfire (complete story)
Eerie Iron-on's
Rook (1st appearance in Eerie) mock color cover by DuBay
Ghita and Vampirella cel #1, Vampirella cel #2(TMS presentation animated cels)
Girls of 1984 animated cel(hand painted by Ruby Nebres)
Famous Monsters Make a Monster Contest entry form
Eerie Fan Club Form: offer for a free t-shirt

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