Web Marketing Resume for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Allan Pollett
48 Rusty Trail
Toronto, L4H 2C3
Work/Home: 905-417-9470

Objective: Management level position as project manager or to be involved with Internet marketing.


Virtually Toronto Real Estate - Partner/Webmaster/Webmarketer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
September 2001 - Present:
- Built, developed and marketed the site Virtually Toronto Real Estate. Currently, it is ranked in top ten on Google, AOL, and Netscape for key real estate terms.
- Developed a real estate network of 50 sites serving every major city in Canada and the US. An example site is New York City Real Estate which is the #1 site on Google/AOL/Yahoo for Bronx real estate and Harlem real estate as well as many other terms. This site alone generates 10-20 million dollars of real estate leads per day.

Nidi Associates - Project Manager
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
March 2001 ­ December 2001:
- Marketed of company's web-sites and clients' sites including top-ten placement on key search engines.
- Managed database and programming staff on web development projects. This required an understanding of the database and programming technologies.
- Designed databases and web sites to meet the needs of users, clients, and search engines.
- Wrote business proposals, quotes, and legal documents.
- Developed business relationships, partnerships, and strategic alliances.
- Developed marketing strategies for clients.

Global Net Trade - Owner/Manager
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
November 1999 ­ Present:
Business Development: Worked within tight budget of $30,000 for the first two years of the business.
- Generated a profit
- Created International gallery with 220 artists
- Developed a client base of 150 names
- Established business partnerships with bricks and mortar galleries, art agents, and government agencies.
- Recognized as a leader in the field
Web Development:
- Created web site with database and e-commerce capabilities
- Developed over 4,000 web pages and each targeted for search engine placement.
- Editor in good standing with Zeal.com
Online Marketing:
- Achieved top-ten placement for targeted terms on Yahoo, Google, Excite, Lycos, DMOZ, AOL, AltaVista, Looksmart, MSN, and many others.
- Developed a popular newsletter for art lovers.
- Paid for banner ads and pay per click programs and have extensive experience with optimization for these types of programs.
- Published hundreds of articles on newsgroups and moderated discussion groups.
- Developed linking strategies and achieved high link popularity.
Offline Marketing:
- Published articles in the following newspapers & magazines:
Sympatico's NetLife, Web Site Directory, Cape Breton Post, Toronto Business Journal, Halifax Herald, Realm, Toronto Metro, Crafter's Report, Web Bound.
- Interviewed on Jo at Night (1 hour television show), CTV, ATV (download video), CBC radio, Web Talk 640 (radio) (to hear interview click on the ear next to the link for UCanBuyArt.com).
- Site featured: CNN International news (30 minute spotlight on arts on the web), Better Homes and Gardens, and Web Mania (CTV program).
- Attended & exhibited in several Internet conventions including the World Web Expo where the site received an award for Best Educational Site.
- Lectured at the Digital Focus Show on Web Marketing
- Set up an online art gallery UCanBuyArt.com.
- Found moderate to high level artists to sell their work online.
- Developed and designed web pages.
- The site was promoted on all forms of media.
- Worked with Photo Shop, Dream Weaver, and BBedit to create fast loading aesthetic pages with e-commerce and database capabilities.
- Worked with gallery owners and artists to meet their needs when designing the site.
- Marketed art to potential buyers and found new markets.
- Developed the site from the beginning to end stages.
- Networked with hundreds of Internet developers to promote and develop the site.
- Handled accounting, file keeping, and all day to day operations.
- Built inventory from nothing to having over $6,000,000 worth of art.
- The site received at its launch only 1,000 hits/day, now it receives on average over 55,000+hits/day.
- It has received over 60 Internet awards.

Dalhousie University: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
June 1995 ­ Graduated with Advanced Major in Physics

St. Mary's University: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
December 1996 ­ Completed TOEFL Certification: Developed communication skills

CDI College: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
August 1996 - Network Administrator: Received CNA and CNE certification. Trained in COBOL, C, Assembler, DOS programming, dBase, computer hardware, and networking.

Computer Skills
Software ability: Dreamweaver, Front page, BBedit, Photoshop, Power Point, Excel, Microsoft office products, Fireworks, Flash

Programming and Interface languages: C/C++, File Maker Pro, Lasso, dBase, Assembler, Javascript, Tango, Coldfusion, HTML, SQL,BASIC, COBOL, UNIX