HARD to FIND Warren's

Here is a top ten list of hard to find Warren's:
(Chick on the title to see the related article)
Blazing Combat #1
Blazing Combat Anthology
Eerie #1
Heidi Saha (only 500 copies)
Favorite Westerns #1
Famous Monsters #4 (harder to find than #1)
Famous Monsters #4 with Ghouls' eye sticker (harder than #4)Click for pic!
Famous Monsters #6 with sticker
House of Horror (only 400 copies)
Vampirella Special Hardcover Edition (only 500 copies)

Other Hard To Find Warrens

Possibly The Hardest Warren To Find

[pic] [pic] 1961 Famous Monsters Convention Book (only 3 handmade copies):

This book was never officially published but was made by Forrest J. Ackerman for the first Famous Monsters convention on Dec.16th and 17th of 1961. It was handmade by FJA and has an article by James Warren. Also, it included 8 crude fan drawings. All three copies are currently in FJA's personal collection.

(Sept.8/98)update!!Now there only two in FJA's collection. I just purchased one from him. I'll post a picture soon. I was told this magazine was printed for the convention. However, less than twenty were printed. These issues were given to the guests of the convention and probably not saved, since at that time Famous Monsters wasn't the collectable that it is now. But keep your eyes open, because you never know!

Eerie #1

[pic] Eerie #1 was not really a magazine it was more like a pamphlet (5 1/4" x 7 1/4" and in black & white). It was produced quickly so that Warren could have the rights to the name. The magazine was immediately a collectors item and had two unauthorized reproductions. The first of these was possibly done by Warren and the staples had 1/4" blue stripe. Also, this copy was unevenly trimmed and on page 18 pannel 5 the bald headed man is clear and discernable, where as, in the original he was not. The second copy is worthless and can be determined by looking at the house on the lower right-hand corner of the first page of the fist story. The lines on the roof of the house are broken in this version. This is a difficult Warren to find and one where you should be careful when buying. (usually sells for $200 U.S. only 500 copies)

House of Horror (April 1978)

[pic] If you look in the advertizement pages of Creepy #97, you will see an ad for the House of Horror: "New from Warren Publishing! The amazing HOUSE OF HORROR Magazine! 32 inside pages! Fabulous articles on "The Outer Limits!" "Close Encounters" "Star Wars"A special feature from the Deep! Yours is a beautiful 8"x11" magazine printed on high quality paper! Price includes postage & handling. #HH1/$1.00" The ad doesn't mention that there were only 400 printed. Also, the articles were reprints of stories from Famous Monsters. The articles are okay and I like the picture of the man in R2D2, but there still reprints. This magazine is not hard to find, if you know where to look. Usually, a dealer of Warren magazines will have it. A near mint or mint copy sells for about $250 US.

Blazing Combat (Anthology)

[pic] If you look in issue #101 of Eerie you will see the following ad: " The best of Blazing Combat, as originaly published in 1965. Action-packed stories of all the wars from the American Revolution to Viet Nam. On Land, in the air and under the sea. Explosive wartime classics in a large 8"x11" paperback, 17 stories and four full color cover paintings by the fabulous Frazetta. #21331/$4.50 " The trade paperback of Blazing Combat was printed in Spain in April of 1978. The foreword of this book explains how the original series was cancelled because of its anti-war stance, which he felt the world at that time was not ready. How many of these trade paperbacks were printed, I do not know. But I know do know that it is scarce. Good luck finding a copy.

Blazing Combat #1

[pic] In October of 1965 the first issue of Blazing Combat was published. It contained seven stories from WW1, WW2, Viet Nam, American Civil War and the Revolutionary War. Also, it featured artists like Gray Morrow, Reed Crandell and Joe Orlando and had stories by Archie Goodwin. With it's Frazetta cover and gripping war stories, it was a quick sell out. It's popularity and low printage make it a very tough book to find.

Favorite Westerns of Filmland #1

[pic] In May of 1960 this humorous look at westerns was first published. I like this first cover which shows a man with a bullet wound to the head and the woman in his arms asks, "Paladin! Are you hurt?" It was this kind of humor that is predominate throughout the series of Warren westerns. It was Warren's first attempt at a new series after Famous Monsters. It is also more scarce then any copy of Famous Monsters. There were six issues in all. Starting with #3 the name was changed to Wildest Westerns.

Heidi Saha

[pic] In 1973 Heidi Saha was published. It was at first given rather large advertizements in the back pages of Vampirella, Creepy, and Eerie. Also, Warren had even printed a poster with her likeness. Why this magazine was produced I don't really know. But I was told that Warren and F.J. Ackerman were charmed by her and decided to pay homage to her after seeing her at a convention show. However, I don't think the magazine was a hit with Warren readers. It is now considered one of the hardest Warrens to find. Dealers rarely have it and it took me five years of searching to find.

Other Rare Warrens

Spirit Special

[pic] In 1975 Warren advertized the full-color, 80 page Spirit Special. It was available only through direct mail. The reason Warren had offered this was due to Warren's 2,000 press over runs on its 8 page color Spirit sections. After accumulating the first years worth of color sections, Warren had them bound by World Color Press into a single, trade paper volume. Because of loss, due to water damage, there were a little more than 1500 copies of this rare compilation offered and sold. The issue contained all of the color sections, which tended to be the best stories from every issue, from the first eight issues of Warren's Spirit magazine, (with the exception of issue #2's "Mortiner Titmouse" Spirit story which was completely lost to water damage.) as well as those stories that appeared in Warren's Eerie magazine. There are ten stories in all. One interesting note, the advertizing inside is repeated.

More pictures coming soon...

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